Friday, June 26, 2009

New York

Myth: New York is about 9/11.Fact: It's not. But it reflects the mood that's prevalent across the globe, post 9/11. The world is
divided today. No two opinions on that!
Myth: New York bears a striking similarity to KHUDA KAY LIYE.Fact: Nope. KHUDA KAY LIYE and New York may belong to the same family, of an innocent
person being picked up for questioning after the WTC catastrophe, but the similarities end there.
In fact, KHUDA KAY LIYE and New York are as diverse as chalk and cheese.
New York, helmed by Kabir Khan, attempts to be as real as possible. A tale of friendship, with
terrorism as the wallpaper, New York hits you like a ton of bricks at several points in the
narrative. In fact, there was a possibility that New York may turn out to be a dry experience, a
documentary perhaps, but the drama is so well structured and so gripping that you get sucked
into the world of Sam, Omar and Maya from its inception.
New York is a triumph for Kabir Khan, who deserves distinction marks for handling the subject
with remarkable maturity. Also, this film should be a turning point for John, Katrina and Neil.
More on that later...
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