Friday, June 26, 2009

ISRO working on database to preserve,maximise use of rainwater

Bangalore (PTI): The Indian Space Research Organisation is working on creating a national

database that would help efforts to preserve and maximise use of rain water.

The web-based database can be used by all states, ISRO Chairman G Madhavan Nair said.

He stressed on the need to focus on bio-industrial watershed development in addition to

traditional land and water resources-based development to maximise farm income.

"Watershed approach is the only scientific solution for conservation and management of rain-fed

areas. With bio-industrial concept, we can ensure prosperity of rural people and ensure food and

livelihood security," he said on Thursday.

Mr. Nair said that by adding the component of agro-processing to existing components of

protection of natural resources, a revolutionary change could be brought about in the situation of

'farming without profits' to 'farming with profits'.


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