Saturday, June 27, 2009

Women feel the best about their bodies at 28

At the age of 28, women feel best about their bodies, skin and love lives, a new study has shown. According to the survey, which asked 4,000 women, 28-year-olds are most likely to feel most confident and happiest. They also seem to enjoy sex much more and are well on their way to career happiness, which, apparently, peaks at 29, reports The Daily Express. However, by 30, ladies start worrying about ageing as well as their financial and romantic futures. But wait, don’t start feeling sad just yet. The research found that women feel most content with their financial situation at 33 and at ease with their home and family life at 32. A spokesman for hair colour Clairol Perfect 10, which carried out the study, said: “The age of 28 has been pinpointed as the time in a woman’s life when everything comes together.” “Everything in life peaks at some point, and nearly reaching your 30s isn’t so bad,” added the spokesman.

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