Friday, July 03, 2009

Air India assurance on salary payment fails to calm unions

Even as the salary issue is snowballing into a crisis, Air India on Thursday tried to quell
fears, saying it is working towards salary payment to employees from Friday, as discussed
with the airline's unions earlier. However, the unions are not convinced.
The National Aviation Company of India Ltd (Nacil), which owns Air India, had earlier said
it will defer June salaries by 15 days. This infuriated the airline's unions, prompting them to
threaten agitation if salaries were not paid on time.
AI said as salaries and wages are paid through electronic clearance system (ECS), many
formalities are to be complied with. The airline also said that it is in the process of
identifying various departments and grades of employees who are to be given their salaries
on July 3.
source :

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