Tuesday, July 07, 2009

ANALYSIS - Plan to recapitalize Nortel a tough sell

TORONTO (Reuters) - A plan by U.S. creditors to reorganize and revive Canada's bankrupt Nortel
Networks, once one of the world's biggest makers of telecom equipment, will be a tough sell to
investors and clients, but it is not without precedent.
MatlinPatterson Global Advisors, a private equity firm specializing in distressed investments, and a
major bondholder and Nortel creditor, said on Monday it would present a proposal to reorganize the
businesses of the failed telecoms giant, which filed for creditor protection in January.
Analysts say the company, which has proposed a deal to sell its CDMA and LTE wireless
technology businesses to Nokia Siemens Networks for $650 million, would be worth about $3 billion
if sold in one piece.
Nortel is North America's biggest maker of telephone equipment, but it has been steady decline since
the tech bubble burst in 2000
Source: http://in.biz.yahoo.com/090707/137/batuir.html

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