Tuesday, July 07, 2009

BJP starts enrolment drive for primary membership

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has set for itself a target of enrolling at least two million primary
members over the next one month in the first phase of Sangathan Parva, which Chief Minister
Narendra Modi launched in Gandhinagar on Monday morning.
Modi was the first to enrol as a primary member.
Now, till August 5, party leaders will fan out across all districts and talukas, right up to the booth
levels, for enrolling members.
The enrolment has been made compulsory for all, irrespective of their position in the party or in
the government. Gujarat BJP president Purshottam Rupala launched the drive in Sector 2 in
Gandhingar where he moved his residence from Amreli district.
source : http://in.news.yahoo.com/48/20090707/814/tnl-bjp-starts-enrolment-drive-for-prima.html

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