Saturday, July 04, 2009

'Lanka ignored warning of Tamil separatism in 1970'

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s terrorist problem, that claimed 100,000 lives, including 1,500

Indian soldiers, could have been nipped in the bud three decades ago, if only Colombo had

heeded a warning by a Tamil police officer in 1970, writes Gen Cyril Ranatunga, a former

Army Commander and Defence Secretary.

In his just released book From Peace to War, Insurgency to Terrorism Ranatunga says that

in a letter dated November 16, 1970, the Superintendent of Police of Jaffna district, R

Suntheralingam, had told the then Inspector General of Police at Colombo that smugglers

operating between Jaffna and Tamil Nadu were bringing in magazines propagating Tamil





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