Friday, January 22, 2010

All About Energy

The word energy has an everyday meaning and scientific issues. 
The daily role of force, vigor, power, strength, action skills, or provision, the Court in everything you do.

Definition of Energy: 

On the actual level of knowledge and technical development, it is believed that the universe that surrounds us exists in two forms: matter and force. The reality is characterized by two fundamental aspects: mass and energy. Mass is a measure of inertia and gravity, and energy are scalar measurement of fabric movement. The word energy is well known, but the actual content of the concept is not so popular or analyzed carefully, because some subtle special, characteristic of certain forms of energy. The most general definition presents energy as a measure of substance movement. This definition is correct, but it is not entirely clear, as the substance is characterized by several types of motion. 


Energy is a measure of a physical system. It defines the quality of the changes and processes taking place in the universe, beginning with movement and finishing with thinking. Unit, and the connection between the movement forms of substances, their lively capacity mutual transformation made it possible to measure different kinds of substances through a common aspect: energy. 

Energy is one of the key physical concepts discovered by man. The correct understanding of the concept is a necessary condition to analyze the energetic systems and energetic


Types of energy: 

The name of the energy is related to: 

1. The way energy is perceived (for example: mechanical energy, electrical energy, energy of light) 

2. What does energy (for example: thermal energy) 

3. The origin of energy (for example: nuclear power, hydropower, wind, geothermal and solar). 

Some general principles can be reminded: 

1. Energy is a mathematical abstraction, a measure of movement within moving forms changing phenomena. 

2. The energy that is available is not always in the expected form. To achieve the desired shape, go for a conversion. Normally, not all the energy available to be changed to another form of energy. 

3. The total amount of energy that do not change in case of the process of moving forms - it is energy conservation law. This law makes it possible to deduce how a transformation system works if we know the mathematical expression of different forms of energy. 

4. Since energy can not be created or destroyed, the sum of the energy that enters a process which must be equal to the sum of energy as a result of the process. 
The use of different forms of energy implies that knowledge to change from one form of energy to another. Thus it was detected the fundamental law of irreversibility in time of real phenomena, which allows us to find out how much energy is available. It was therefore introduced the concept of entropy, which grows in the course of physical processes gives irreversibility. 

Physical energy: 

As a general target for various movement forms of substance, energy expresses the capacity of a physical system can perform mechanical work when it suffers a shift from one country to another. In the mid-19th century it was established by experiments that qualitatively different types of mobility change into each other in strictly defined quantitative reports. Each time, during material interaction between corps, an equivalent amount of movement will disappear in a second special form, it appears that a similar motion quantity, under another form. 

This ratio showed unity and indestructibility of the substance movement, and it is permissible to introduce energy-expression, as measured by various forms of transportation of a common aspect. 

Different types of movement associated with various forms of energy (mechanical, electromagnetic, thermal, chemical, nuclear, etc.) and the equality of different forms of energy, their mutual conversion of some reports was expressed by the Law on the conservation and transformation of energy, which is a special case of a more general law that the drug conservation. 

Energy is an inherent quality of substance, of a physical system, whether it is made of fabric, field, or both. 

Forms of energetic transfer: 

Energy has different forms, usually seen as energy is a fundamental characteristic of the substance. Even from the grammatical point of view, the word energy is abundant. 
Some of the best known types of energetic transfer follows different physical variables: to 

1. Kinetic energy (energy occupied because of movement) and potential energy (energy occupied because of the position) (in Mechanics) 

2. Energy, in relativity (in relativity) 

3. Mechanical work (in Mechanics) 

4. Force time (Mechanics) 

Other types of energy: 

Germination energy: 

It is a function of seed expressed as a percentage of seeds germinated normally in 1 / 3 - ½ of the time established to determine germination. 

Energy-specific sense organs: 

It is an idealist - subjective theory, formulated by the German naturalist JP Muller, on the basis of physiological idealism. During what is the activity of sense organs is not determined by an objective reality, but a real energy policy, metaphysically distinct from the outer world.

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