Thursday, January 28, 2010


Baldness is a common skin disorder of witnesses and other forms of trafficking. Normally, this condition is defined as the condition where people have no hair in those areas where it often grows, especially on the head. Male pattern baldness, medically known as androgenic alopecia is the most common form of baldness. This is actually the condition where the thinning of hair occurs in adult males and some other species. 
Baldness varies from one to the other series, including:

      * Alopecia areata: Alopecia event only limited by your body 
      * Alopecia TOTALISING: Total hair loss 
      * Alopecia Universalis: Hair loss from head and body 

Baldness is dependent on the generic background and other environmental factors. In men, the hair starts receding process at the lateral side and can be seen in men over 25 years. The bald spot on top of the head caused by DHT, a sex, facial and body hair growth promoter. Baldness can be caused due to tightly bound hair, childbirth, surgery, iron deficiency, fungal infections, affected patients, thyroid, skin wash, severe stress and many other causes. Therefore the old saying that baldness is inherited is not always the reason. Some other common types of baldness seen in men Trichotillomania, Traction aloepecia, alopecia areata, etc. Hyperthyroidism. Reasons for this baldness are diverse and vary from person to person. Loss of hair in the eyebrows, but not common, is seen in humans. The main causes of this hormonal imbalance, chemotherapy, alopecia and other types of factors.

The psychological effects of baldness is very serious. Some individuals adapt to this change smoothly, but in those cases, depression leads to baldness, changing identity, social phobia and anxiety. Family therapy is one of the best media for these psychological problems to be solved properly. There are some people who baldness as a sign of manhood and enjoy this change. Companies have made profits from this baldness-related logic by presenting different types of products. Although not entirely sure her process sustainable, but widespread and reversing hair loss remedies are made in the market. Baldness treatments have been tried in various parts of the world for centuries. 
The two most famous and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved therapies for the prevention of baldness and its return loss finasteride and minoxidil. Earlier mixoxidil was launched commercially in tablets to treat high blood pressure.

Subsequently it was studied as a side effect that causes excessive hair growth. After further research, this technique was used to reverse hair loss and hair loss stabilized. Although use of finasteride has shown that an increase in hair directly from the base. Some other modern means of baldness is a low-level laser therapy, surgery, hair multiplication, exercise and stress reduction therapies. Without going into a depression that individuals may try various methods to disguise baldness and a normal life. Wearing the hat, wig, or just a good comb can hide baldness or hair loss significantly.

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