Friday, January 22, 2010

Blackfeet Indian

Siksika ( "black feet" from siksinam 'black', ka mess oqkatsh, 'feet'. The origin of the name is disputed, but it is a general perception that the reference to the discoloration of their moccasins from the ashes of the Prairie fires, and the may have reference to black-painted moccasins worn by the Pawnee, Sihasapa, and other strains). An important Algonquian Confederation of the northern plains, consisting of three subtribes, the Siksika, or Blackfoot proper that Kainah or Bloods and Piegan, the whole body is popularly known as the Blackfoot. In close alliance with these Atsina and Sarsi.

In the recent historical period, until collected by subject in Blackfoot kept most of the large area that stretches almost from the North Saskatchewan River, Canada, South headstreams, Missouri, Montana, and from about lon.105 ° foothills of the Rocky Mountains . A century earlier, or around 1790, they were found by Mackenzie occupy the upper and middle South Saskatchewan, with Atsina on the lower part of the same effect as both strains are evident in the slow migration to the northwest. This would make them the head of tile Algonquian motion from the Red River country. With the exception of a temporary occupancy by invading Cree, this extreme northern region is always within the historical period, been in possession of Athapascan tribes. The tribe is now settled oil three reservations in Alberta, Canada, and one in northwest Montana, about half are on each side of the international border. 

As far as history and tradition goes, has been traveling Blackfoot buffalo hunters living in tipis and move periodically from place to place without permanently inhabited, without ceramics and canoes, and off-farm than seed and capture of a kind native tobacco. They have also collected the camas root in the foot. Their tradition goes back to a time when they had no horses and bunted their game on foot, but as early as Mackenzie time before 1800, they are all ready had many horses that come from farther south, and later became known for their large horse herds. It is very likely that their spread over the plains region was largely due to the purchase of the horse, and about the same time, the patron. They were a restless, aggressive and aggressive people, and with the exception of Atsina and Sarsi, who lived under their protection, were constantly at war with all their neighbors, the Cree, Assiniboine, Sioux, Crows, flat head Ulke family, and Kutenai . While never a regular at war with the United States, was their general attitude towards Americans in the early days one of hostility, while maintaining a questionable friendship with Hudson's Bay Co. 

Their culture was that of the Plains is generally, although there is evidence of an earlier culture, much as in the eastern timber nurseries. The 3 major departments appear to have been independent of each other, each with his own son dance, advice and elective principal chief, although Blackfoot really seems to have been the original nucleus. Each of the 3 was divided into several bands, including Grinnell, lists 45 in all. It has been said that these tapes were gentes, but in this case, their gentile nature is no longer visible. There is also a military and overall organization similar to that found in other Plains tribes, who are known among Blackfoot as Ikunuuhkahtsi, or all the comrades, "and composed earlier, according to Grinnell, at least 12 orders or societies, most now extinct. They have a large number of dance-religious, war and social welfare of secret societies for various purposes, along with many "sacred bundles" around each of the centers as a ritual.

Almost all adults have also his personal "medicine". Both sexes can be members of some communities. Their principal deities are the sun, and a supernatural creature called Napi, 'Old Man', there may be an incarnation of the same idea. The dead are usually deposited in trees, or sometimes lost in the tipi built for prominent hills.

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