Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee 

Bruce's brother, before he was stillborn at birth. The Chinese think baby boys are often stolen by demons. Boys are sometimes called the girls names in order to deceive the demons. In his childhood, Bruce was named Sai Fung (a typical girl's name) of his family members in response to his brother's death, and prevent a similar fate. 

Bruce Lee Story Biography: 

Born in San Francisco, California to a Chinese father Lee Hoi Chuen-and German-Chinese mother Grace Lee. His father was known for being an actor in classical Chinese opera. Lee was raised in Hong Kong, where his parents lived. His parents were actors, so he had the opportunity to be in several Chinese movies as a child. He also studied the
Wing Chun style of Kung Fu. In a young age, he was able to speak English, Cantonese,

Mandarin and Japanese. 

In 1959, Lee went to Seattle to complete his high school. He received his diploma from Edison Technical School and went on to enroll at the University of Washington as a philosophy major. It was at UW that he would meet his wife Linda Emery. 
After leaving university, Lee went on to star as Kato in the television series The Green Hornet. On his return to Hong Kong, he starred in the film, which serves $ 30,000 for his first two films, which will cement his fame. 

His martial arts style: 

After studying and becoming dissatisfied with existing classical schools of martial arts, Lee began the process of creating his own style: Jun Fan Gung Fu, a modification of Wing Chun blended with Western boxing and fencing. His schools were called in June Fan Gung Fu offices. Later, to use a more descriptive name, he renamed it Jeet Kune Do (Way of the Fist Interception). JKD was a further refinement of his style which incorporated elements of many styles to create a more streamlined and practical martial arts, as well as a comprehensive system of fitness training. JKD is also defined by his personal philosophy of how martial arts should be effectively practiced (and according to others, as a self-help philosophy). 

There is often some discrepancy between Lee June Fan Gung Fu (aka "original Jeet Kune Do) and Jeet Kune Do (JKD or) concepts that explore other styles not previously incorporated into Jeet Kune Do by Lee. Lee, then a particular martial arts style as dogmatic, similar to the practice of organized religion or ethnocentrism. This and Lee's other revolutionary ideas about martial arts and his teaching of non-Asian students gave Lee many enemies in the martial arts community of the 1960s/70s (culminating in many challenges by other martial artists Lee sharply answered). But a lot of controversy about Jeet Kune Do instruction is not so much the names, but the credibility of these instructors teach Jeet Kune Do fighting systems. 

Lee frequently gave demonstrations of his two-finger Pushups and his famous "one inch punch", a mastered technique where he could deliver a devastating blow yet fist travel only one inch (2.54 cm) in distance before striking an opponent. His studies of Wing Chun Gung Fu triggered his enthusiasm and understanding of martial arts. Indeed, Wing Chun is the only martial art Lee formally studied, under the guidance of Yip Mon Throughout his life Lee studied many styles of martial arts through an extensive literature research and contacts with other martial artists. 

It is a well known fact that Lee used every known technique and resource in aiding his fitness including electric current as a means to enhance learning, because of the leanness the muscles gained in working against themselves. But this muscle was only one of many pieces of equipment and exercise routines Lee used to reach its physical appearance on the screen. His obsession with physical fitness seen in his personal notes and diary. Lee tracked the evolution of his training in his diary that has been remembered and published in The Bruce Lee Library by John Little a "martial arts historian" from Bruce Lee's Estate. 

Bruce Lee Death: 

Bruce Lee's untimely death shook Hong Kong and Martial Arts fans across the world and people who respected and admired hope this legendary hero. End of his life was considered to be the strangest of circumstances, and still do sensationalism and controversy with a number of theories surrounding his tragic death. Rumors about the cause of his death range from Lee being killed by Hong Kong triads (gangsters) because he refused to pay them protection money, he was killed by an angry martial artist's Dim Mak (death touch) strike for having angered the martial arts community by revealing ancient secrets to foreigners, to drug use. Many people also claimed that it was the work of Oni (Japanese for Demons or evil spirits), while others thought he was cursed. The theory of "Curse of Bruce Lee" carried over to the equally tragic death of his son, Brandon Lee, who was shot and killed during the filming of The Crow in 1993. 
On 20 July 1973, Lee would have dinner with former James Bond star George Lazenby, with whom he is trying to make a film. According to Lee's wife, Linda, Bruce met producer Raymond Chow at 2 at home to discuss the making of the movie Game of Death. They worked until 4 and then drove together to the home of Betty Ting Pei (SAA), Taiwanese actress, who also should have a leading role in the film. The three went over the script at his home, and then Chow left to attend a dinner meeting. 
A short time later, Lee complained of headache, and Ting Pei gave him a tablet of the painkiller. At around 7:30, he lay down for a nap. After Lee did not show up for dinner, Chow came to the apartment but could not wake up Lee. A doctor was summoned, who spent 10 minutes trying to revive him before sending him by ambulance to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. However, Lee was dead when he reached the hospital. The ensuing autopsy found traces of cannabis in his stomach. There was no visible external injuries, but his brain had increased significantly from 1400 to 1575 grams. Lee was 32 years old. 
A similar incident had occurred a few months before. On 10 May in the last dubbing of Enter the Dragon, Lee suffered a sudden attack of seizures and a cerebral edema, which was not fatal. The neurosurgeon who saved his life in May, Dr. Peter Wu, said he removed a significant quantity of hashish from Lee's stomach. Bruce, if entrained paranoia grew with his international fame, was chewing hashish to calm himself. Dr. Wu, who is known for his cerebral edema research in Asian men, said that various neurological problems associated with cannabis had been registered in Nepalese women. Bruce was very vulnerable to the effects of the drug because of its extremely low body fat. Dr. Donald Langford, Lee's doctor in Hong Kong, said that Bruce's body had less than one percent body fat, "it was obscene how little body fat he had." Bruce Lee only weighed about 128 pounds at the time of his death. 

Dr. Langford says that "This man was muscled like a squirrel, spirited as a horse. I've never seen anyone so physically fit as Bruce. Analgesics are prescribed for a one million-dose range every day in Asia. No one dies of a tablet Equagesic . No analgesic killed Bruce. In my opinion the cause of Bruce Lee's death is obvious. Each time I saw him after May 10, he was further and further into his own hype. I do not think that Bruce felt that there was no in the world who knew what was good for him, apart from Bruce Lee. That's what killed him. Dr. Wu agrees: "I think that Bruce was fully convinced that he was invincible, that he was immortal. This is what brought him down. " 

Cerebral edema was recorded as a result of an allergic reaction to the analgesic he went along with medication he took for back pain that he suffered after pinching a nerve in his lower back while doing dead lift exercises without proper warm-a condition which left him in a wheelchair. Fortunately, in contrast to its medical prognosis that he would never kick again, Lee regained his athletic prowess, better than ever. But it left him with a lifelong pain in his back.

He is buried in Seattle's Lakeview Cemetery.

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