Friday, January 22, 2010


Calculus is the branch of mathematics dealing with rates of change and movement. It arose from a desire to understand various physical phenomena that revolve around planets, and the effects of gravity. The immediate success of calculus in formulating the laws of physics and predict its consequences have led to the development of a new underclass of mathematics called analysis, calculus remains a large part. Today, calculus is essential language for science and technology, which allows for the physical laws expressed in mathematical terms. As a scientific tool that is invaluable in the further analysis of physical laws to predict the behavior of the electrical and mechanical systems are covered by these laws, and the discovery of new laws.

Calculus splits naturally into two parts, differential calculus and integral calculus. Differential calculus deals with finding the instantaneous rate at which a quantity changes in relation to another, called the derivative of the first volume in relation to the others. For example, says determining the speed of a falling body at a particular time that a skydiver or Bungi Jumper, equivalent to calculating the instantaneous growth in his or her position with respect to time. General (x) evaluation of the derivative of a function f comes to finding a second function, f '(x) such that f' (x) equals the slope of the tangent to the graph of f (x) each x. Performed for each 2, by determining the slope of a line segment approximation of the border to its length approaches zero. 

Integral calculus deals with the inverse of the derivative, which is to find a function when the least known. For example, if a skydiver speed is a known function of time, then we can ask what is his or her position at any given time in the spring. Find the original function when its derivative, called inclusion, and the function is called the indefinite integral. Evaluation indefinite integral of a function between specific limits on the definition of definite integral, which corresponds to the area under the graph of the function between the specified limits. The latter is developed as a natural consequence of approximating the area by summing the areas of a series of inscribed rectangles. The approximation is accurate at the limit to the number of rectangles approaches infinity. Thus, both differential and integral calculus is based on the theory of limits. 

The usefulness of calculus is indicated by its widespread use. For example, it is used in the design of navigation systems, particle accelerators and synchrotron light sources. It used to predict rocket trajectories and the lanes of communication satellites. Calculus is the mathematical tool used to test theories about the origins of the universe, the development of tornadoes and hurricanes, and salt fingering in the oceans. It even has found widespread use in industry, where it is used, among other things, to optimize production.

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