Friday, January 22, 2010

Characteristics of Adult Learners

Adult learners are qualitatively different from the young pupils. You certainly can "teach an old dog new tricks" to understand the social and cognitive abilities of adult learners. Use the best teaching strategies to maximize the learning benefits and challenges of teaching adult learners can make all the difference in their success.

Cognitive adult learners

1. In general, most adult learners share the following characteristics:
2. Tend to be self-directed and want control over their own learning
3. Has self-imposed cognitive barriers because of years of academic failure and lack of confidence
4. May be resistant to new ideas or approaches are less open minded than the young
5. Underestimate their ability to learn
6. Pragmatic desire for education and relevant they perceive as valuable
7. Itself is motivated
8. Interpret new learning processes related to learning old
9. Learn at a pace slower than young
10. Are very concerned about the effective use of their time

Social characteristics of Adult Learners

1. In general, most adult learners share the following characteristics:
2. May be resistant to working
3. See teachers as peer partners in the learning process
4. Demand and supply of teachers easy access
5. You want to see flexibility and learning professions such as secondary pre other in their lives

Teaching strategies for adult learners

1. Adult Learners must actively involved in their evaluation of assessment data. Students who have personal goals and using learning activities that directly address the deficit assessment and to demonstrate further progress in view of their short and long term goals. Workshops reading can easily be adapted to provide adult learners to work at their own pace.
2. Some talking points may be needed to strengthen confidence in adult learners and provide the necessary motivation to succeed:

"Do not give up. Adult learners can learn. Although they sometimes learn more slowly than children, they learn at a deeper and more memorable. Payment will be huge for you when you finish this class."

"Unfortunately some of your teaching reading earlier was bad, it's not your fault if you have the skills to work on." Aka "blame others"

"What we learn in this class. If you come to class ready to try to dramatically improve your reading, I promise." I will be flexible and work around your schedule.

"I know you've tried before but this time it's different.

"You will be able to chart your own progress and see what you learn in this class."

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