Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

A everflowing spring of inspiration:

A biography of Shivaji Maharaj has an answer to every problem as a Hindu or Indian politicians, but for this purpose autobiography should be read with wisdom and understanding. If read by Hindus with the immoderate vision of Gandhi with regard to non-violence, truth, pleasing Muslims, or the colored spectacles of Nehru who with the concept of "all religions are equal 'meted out inferior treatment to Hindus because Hindus do not even become aware when they were bottom! Gandhi, Nehru and their descendants had created terror in the minds of the people what they would have to suffer if they even said the name of Shivaji Maharaj. Actually Shivaji Maharaj is completely removed from history books in high school level. The history of Shivaji Maharaj is taught and finished in the III or IV standards as if they are fairy tales for children to read and forget.

Politicians have ensured that young people and adults get some inspiration from a biography of Shivaji Maharaj simply because it is a everflowing spring of inspiration for Hindus! This is a small attempt to get a gulp of water from this pure spring to mark the birth anniversary of Shivaji Maharaj tomorrow! - Compiler: Shri. Sanjay Mulye,

Shivaji Maharaj inspiration to protect Hinduism! 

Since childhood Shivaji Maharaj was fully aware that he had to struggle for Mughal. In his book 'Chatrapati Shivaji Maharajanche Saptaprakaranatmak Charitra' Malhar Ramrav Chitnis has described the mindset of Prince Shivaji when living with her father Shahajiraje at Vijapur. He pens Prince Shivaji thoughts like: "We are Hindus. These Yavans (Muslims) are worse than us. There are no more inferior. I'm tired of serving them, eating food served by them, flatter them, or even greeting them. It is so wrong to see the ridicule of one's own religion. When we go down the road we see cows being slaughtered. At that time, I feel like beheading the killers and the distress grows even more. What good is it to experience a cow is bothered? I am forced to keep quiet because of being reprimanded by my father otherwise I feel like killing a cow slaughtered indulging. It is not good to be in the company of Muslims. So also it is inappropriate to go to court (Darbar) of the emperor or to visit every wealthy man. "As soon as he came back from Vijapur court he would bathe and change clothes. It is precisely in this year that young Prince Shivaji showed his valorous nature by cutting off the hand of a butcher who was dragging a cow for slaughter in another kingdom! 

Inspiration endowed by Chatrapati Shivaji is very clear from the above incidents. Cinema has strengthened this further in the following words Shivaji Maharaj, "We are Hindus. The whole southern region has been invaded by Muslims and our religion is going downhill. Therefore, we should not hesitate to sacrifice even his life to protect religion. By doing so you can add to a treasure of valorous deeds ". Soon thereafter by taking the vow of Raieshvari and rule 'Torana' Fort Shivaji Maharaj revealed his nature in the world. 
Talk about Muslims in Shivaji's army and their valorous deeds! 

Today people talk about the concept of 'religion' in society. Congress Party tries to portray him as a non-communal and secular. Nowadays some Hindu protagonists are trying to drag Shivaji Maharaj into the camp of secularism with statements like 'there were Muslim soldiers in his army'. Really these pearls of wisdom that these so-called ardent (hypocrite) lovers of Hinduism! 

In this context came the author of the book `Marathi Riyasati 'and a great historian, Sardessai writes:" Towards 1649, 500-700 Pathan from Vijapur to Shivaji Maharaj in search of jobs. Although he has not endorsed by recruiting them, with advice Gomaji Naik Pansabal that 'these people have come after hearing about your popularity so you do not disappoint them. If you are still adamant that you will employ only Hindus and that you do not need others, you will not be able to establish a kingdom. So include all eighteen communities of all four Varna (classes) of society, and should allow them to perform their duties ", he is employed servitors of Radho Ballal Chord. But these Hindu protagonists are ignorant whether the facts in this context that the monarch also ensured that there were spies to keep an eye on the Muslim soldiers! 

If these 500 to 700 soldiers made no attempt to divide the army then as was prevalent in those days, he would not hesitate to punish them (by throwing them over the cliff). It was not like today when a perpetrator of the India Parliament instead of being hanged goes scot free simply because he is a Muslim! In this context a historian researcher Mr. Ninad Bedekar says, "A new idea that Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had` several 'Muslims in the army is being planned. I will quote a few names. You can give me rest, when Prince Shivaji came to Jagirs in Pune, Indore and Supe, of representatives of Shahajiraje only three were Muslims, namely Siddi Ambar Bagdadi, Jainkhan Peerzade and Bahalimkhan. Some more Muslims in Shivaji Maharaj was Nurkhan Beg leader of his infantry. But the truth is that there Later, at a time All these people have been displaced since no mention of their names are everywhere in the historical record. After 1675 BC these people are not in the picture. The way the British army also employed Indians as soldiers. Afzal Khan who attacked Shivaji Maharaj 3000 Maula employed in his army, so can we call him secular? So why is this cord (like an iguana) of secularism wound tightly around necks of Hindus alone? allegation that Shivaji Maharaj was secular, just because he had a few Muslim soldiers in his army is an indicator of a liberal intellect. 

Promotion of sanskrit in honor of Hinduism! 

In the struggle for independence, and on his own kingdom, in every aspect Shivaji Maharaj did everything possible to promote Hinduism. His assembly of eight ministers was formed based on Hindu ideals. Encounters of this concept of eight ministers in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. King Dashrath too had eight ministers. In Shantiparva of Mahabharata also, it has been suggested that exchange of thoughts of eight ministers is necessary. During the coronation ceremony Maharaj changed the Persian names ministers to sanskrit. 

Give the Sanskrit names was a hobby of this great king. In September 1665, is around the time Dasra before leaving on a trip, he called all the fortresses of his kingdom. Malhar Ramrav Chitnis in the biography of the monarch, the 'Chatrapati Shivaji Maharajanche Saptaprakaranatmak Charitra' spoken of forts, "from place to place Maharaj would build a new fort to frighten the enemy. Varugad, Bhushangad, Mahimagad, Vardhangad, Sadashivgad, Macchindragad some of them. "In the book 'Marathyancha Itihas" he said, "Shivaji Maharaj loved sanskrit. There are several points to testify this. He changed the names of forts to Raigad, Vishalgad, Suvarnagad, Vijaydurg, Prachandgad and Pandavgad." 

Topics are fully aware of the struggle between justice and injustice! 

Just as Maharaj was fully aware that he had to fight for Mughal so also were his subjects. The situation was such that people were worried whether Maharaj would return alive from the Agra jail. Despite the fact that no leaders of home rule (svarajya) and Maula nervous and as per the plan of Shivaji Maharaj they protected the home rule. The Maula was willing to sacrifice even happy events in their families, and were willing to face the jaws of death. Sinhagad, Pavankhind, Agra, and how many more forts do you want me to quote? In this struggle between justice and injustice, many parents lost their sons and several women were widowed. They were all fully aware of why they fought Mughal. These women clearly choose widowhood to being raped by Mughal Sardar keep their marital status namesake. Compare this attitude to the representative space thrown by relatives of victims of the plane hijacked by terrorists to Kandahar. Both the central government and a majority of the people of India seemed to forget with whom they have fought this battle. The entire country is testimony to this. 

Politicians today, and most people are still unaware of why we drove off the British from India. The Indian heroes have not shed blood in vain, to allow Aurangzeb to assume the throne of Hindustan, which Mountbatten had to vacate. If only we were to understand this, we would not have played cricket with Pakistan, which is ready to kill Hindus in Kashmir, Country Sage Kashyap. We would not have given refuge to Bangladeshi infiltrators and would have driven Chinese ambassadors who stake a claim on Arunachal Pradesh. All this is a consequence of not being inspired for independence and home rule by Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj! 

Beautiful flowers blossom from the creeper of Bharatiya Rajdharma! 

When describing Shivaji Maharaj his admirer Mr. MS Vabgaonkar writes, "Shivaji is a beautiful flower that has blossomed from the Bharatiya creeper of rajdharma. The great promoter of Bharatiya Rajdharma, Kautilya in His holy text Arthashastra, has imagined an ideal king and two thousand years later the king has taken birth in the form of Shivaji. The king described by Kautilya was one who stressed on espionage, which took full responsibility for procuring all the benefits of an attack on himself, who was disinterested in worldly and sexual pleasures and was well versed in law and religion, besides having an unblemished character and punish people only when necessary. Although this has proved to be quite per Kautilya's description in case of Shivaji. After the 1920 creeper of Bharatiya rajdharma was nursed with manure from the 'equality of all religions', pleasant Muslims, etc., and from it sprang a number of poisonous flowers in the form of Mohandas-Jawaharlal or Manmohan-Soniya. To stop the blossoming of such vicious flowers, the Bharatiya creeper rajdharma be punished with support from the Sanatan Vedic religion and then watered with pure water from the Ganga in the form of a biography of Shivaji Maharaj: When this happens, from every leaf of the creeper will spring beautiful flowers as Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Only then will this creeper reach heaven!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awful piece of information, I had come to know about your blog from my friend vimal, mumbai,i have read atleast 13 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your blog gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i'm already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanks a million once again, Regards, Quotes Shivaji Maharaj