Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gender push in science

Government science institutions across India may be able to earn labels that certify them as gender-friendly places under new proposals from a national task force on women in science.

The 14-member government task force has also called for an end to some unwritten rules widely practised during recruitment to scientific institutions, including one that denies a spouse appointment in the same institution.

The recommendations from the task force, which was set up by the department of science and technology four years ago, are intended for implementation by more than 150 scientific laboratories and research institutions under different government agencies.

The task force report released tonight by the science and technology ministry has proposed the introduction of an “institute transformation award” for institutions that move towards a gender-enabling environment.

“These awards would serve as labels to show which institutions are already gender-friendly and which still have to take steps to get there,” said a senior department of science and technology official who requested anonymity.

The task force has said the “unwritten barrier” on employment of a spouse in the same institution should be torn down. Although there is no rule that bars spouses from being recruited, a scientist in a research institution under the department of biotechnology told The Telegraph such an appointment was “actively discouraged”. “When this happens, it’s the woman who’s more likely to try and find an alternative career.”

The task force has also asked scientific departments to develop a code of ethics to stop women candidates from being asked personal and family-related questions which male candidates are typically not asked during the recruitment process.

“Questions such as who will look after the children or whether a candidate plans to get married reveal prejudices,” the official said. The task force has said such issues should not be raised by the selection panel even when a candidate is not present in the room.

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