Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Herbal tea

The first thing to understand about herbal tea is that it is not tea at all! At least not strictly. Tea that we drink with our toast for breakfast is made from leaves of tea bush, Camellia sinensis. It may be green or black, or taste - as Earl Gray, which gets its special flavor of bergamot oil - but it is still tea.

A better name for the infusion of herbs and flowers, known as herbal teas are tisane. Many different types of herbs and plants have been used for thousands of years for their medicinal properties, and tisanes today often used in the same way to correct, revive or relax. But many people drink them just because they like the taste or as an alternative to caffeine-rich tea or coffee.

In the UK, herbal teas are sold in shops, regarded as a food not as a medicine, ie they must be safe for human consumption, but the alleged benefits do not need to be medically documented.

If you are on prescribed medication, consult your doctor before using any herbal teas. Also be wary if you are pregnant!

You make a tisane:

If you use the leaves or berries, you should allow about 1 tablespoon per cup. (Chop or tear the leaves finely.) Fill cup with boiling water and leave to infuse. Approximately 10 minutes is the suggested time, but by experimenting, you'll find out how strong a flavor of a particular herb will give you and if you want to leave it to stand for long periods. 
If you use dried herbs, leave it to infuse for about 5 minutes.

Of ginger and licorice root and cinnamon sticks, you need to simmer them a little - about 15 minutes - to extract the flavor. Similar Simmering will help the flavor if you use caraway seeds or aniseed.

Alternatively you can buy teabags in supermarkets, health food stores and some pharmacies.


Herbal teas usually drunk without milk, but you can add a little honey or sugar to taste. 

Popular Flavors:

Chamomile tea:

Not only reserved for the older girls, chamomile tea is known for its soothing properties. It is said that anxiety and promote sleep, and it also has an anti-inflammatory action, which seems to be particularly effective in the gut. Not recommended for pregnant women.

Ginger Tea:

Take it before you go on a trip and can help prevent motion sickness. Ginger is known to relieve nausea, ease flatulence and aid digestion. It is also fresh breath and can even be an aphrodisiac!

Ginseng Tea:

Drunk in China for 5000 years, ginseng tea have been treated in the past as a kind of miracle potion that cures everything. Its botanical name is Panax, a Greek word which means 'cure all'. It has many supporters who still swear by it for its rejuvenating properties.

Peppermint Tea:

It is not for nothing that peppermint is used to flavor many of the antacid tablets on the market. It has been known for centuries that peppermint relaxes the muscles thus aiding digestion and relieve stomach cramps and flatulence. A pleasant tasting tisane, it will, like toothpaste, freshen your breath.

Cinnamon Tea:

Some studies have hinted that cinnamon may lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Even without the possible benefits, cinnamon tea is a warming and seasonal drink for the winter. It can be consumed as a tisane or cinnamon-flavored water is poured on top of an ordinary black tea bag, which is then allowed to infuse for 2-3 minutes. Serve with sugar to taste.

Jasmine Tea:

Not a tisane, but a genuine herbal tea, jasmine tea is made from green tea leaves scented with jasmine flowers. Some studies have suggested that jasmine tea can reduce cholesterol. There are many other health claims for it, but most people drink it for its delicate fragrance.

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