Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How Auto correctly in Microsoft Word can help you Acronyms

The world today has gone literally gone crazy acronym. Every industry has its own plethora of acronyms to Bamboozle the uninitiated. Acronyms are also often a source of great pain for the people who have to create procedure documents for their industry. There is a way to survive this turmoil through the auto correct and it will certainly save you time.

Auto correct was originally developed by Microsoft to help the people who use Microsoft Office and Microsoft Word in particular overcoming write questions, but it has also been salvation to those who work in an acronym world. 

I hear you say it how! 

An acronym is essentially short few characters who have a particular importance for example in Australia we have a concept called the Australian Business Number, which is an acronym abn. If you were producing a lot of documents referring to the concept of Australian Business Number, you will find it takes time to make the whole name. In many cases it would be inappropriate to actually use the abbreviation. Auto correct what allows you to do is to program in the application of the concept of ABN and associate it

with the full name of the Australian Business Number. 

This means that when you type your documents and you need to refer to the concept of Australian Business number, simply write in ABN, and as you press the spacebar Microsoft Word will then convert the abbreviation for ABN Australian Business Number. 

So why does it do?

As I said before, auto correct was really developed to overcome the problem of people mistyping words. Mostly as you write auto correct checks to see if what you write is true and if it will fix it with the possibilities of auto correct list. Some of the common typos you may incur CNA would rather be. If you open Microsoft Word and write in CNA will

automatically correct it to be. 

Auto correct is actually available in all Microsoft Office programs including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Outlook and FrontPage. Now it's really cool about this is that if you setup with an auto-correct entry in say Microsoft PowerPoint, it will also be available in all other programs. This means you will save time, both in the initial setup, but also while you are creating these documents. 

If you think that once you've tried the example I gave you before, that it has not converted misspelt words in the correct word is probably the AutoCorrect feature is turned off. To turn it in Microsoft Word 2003, just select the Tools menu and select AutoCorrect Options. You will see a checkbox next to the words "Replace text as you type". If the box has a tick next to it then you need to click once on the check box to activate it. Then finish the process by pressing the OK button. 

There are three auto-correct entries, which I think is crucial to know and that is how you can insert the logo, registered service mark and copyright symbol without using the symbol command. Everything you need to do is type the following -- 

(tm) - Creates logo 
(c) - Creates Copyright symbol 
(r) - Creates Registered Symbol 

Auto correct is surely one of the tools that I think is really cool, but is often misunderstood and not used to its full potential. Using AutoCorrect in this way will save you hours of time when dealing with abbreviations. It may take some time to create your acronyms, but when its finished, it will save you countless hours and make you more effective in using Microsoft Office suite.

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