Thursday, January 07, 2010

Hoysala Dynasty

HOYSALA [Hoysala] dynasty of S India, c.1110-1326th It had its origin in the latter half of the 11th Cent., When Vinayaditya (1047-98) held and an area centered on Dorasamudra (modern Halebid), which was dynastic capital. His grandson Bittiga (later called Vishnuvardhana; reigned c.1110-42) made extensive conquests, including the Mysore plateau, and built magnificent temples at Dorasamudra who were known for their intricate and extensive sculpture. Bittiga grandson, Vira Ballala II (reigned 1173-1220) extended Hoysala control N in Mysore and made the dynasty the most powerful in S India. The Hoysalas later came into conflict with the empire of Vijayanagar and the Muslim sultans of Delhi, and the last Hoysala rule was overthrown in 1346 At its peak dynasty ruled over parts of the modern states of Mysore, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Some of the most magnificent specimens of South Indian temples are those attributed to the Hoysala dynasty of Karnataka. How this powerful dynasty got its name, is a story that must have been told again and again. Hoy Sa'la means "strike Sa'la!" Were the words to Sa'la (legendary leader of this dynasty) to kill the tiger. Since Sa'la tackled the tiger single-handed and killed him, this heroic quest took the form of dynasty name. The rulers of this clan was called Yadava kings, who ruled with enormous power after having defeated Chalukyas and rose above all to become the greatest rulers themselves over Pandya and Chola in southern India. The Hoysala dynasty originally had their capital at Halebid (about 17 km from Belurs), where they reigned for over 150 years. But it was attacked by assailants a few times during the 14th century, reducing the once great capital to poverty and ruins. So moved Hoysalas their heartland to Belurs stood proudly as a powerful empire at that time.

The Hoysala rulers were responsible for some of the most exquisite temples. Developed on the architectural style Chalukyas, these structures have intricate details that are breathtaking. Profusion of temple architectural styles in India can be awe inspiring. A group of temples, which never fails to fascinate an observer is Hoysala trio - Belurs, Halebid and Somnathapura.

The Belurs temple earlier in the group and built c. 1117 AD, to celebrate a victory against the Chola, has one star-shaped structure, while the Halebid temple (ca. 1121), in the place, the old capital, has a double sanctum as a twin temple, one beside the other, with wings attached to allow access to each other. Halebid, where the temples are dedicated to Vishnuvardhana and his consort Santaleswara, has a huge Nandi (or bull) mantapa, with an impressive statue of the bull. The Somnathapura has three star-shaped sanctum, each located at three different angles. The last is the latest addition, built in the 1268.

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