Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is Internet Marketing a Success techniques or A Mind Game

In my previous article titled, Internet Marketing Success Is A Mind Game or technique? I was discussing how the Mind-set of an Internet Marketer to succeed. It is not Internet Marketing Techniques at all, it is how to cope with the frustrations you will encounter in the first months of your business online.

Here I will discuss how to use your Powerful Mind you to succeed online? Your Mind dictate what will happen to you in the future. Remember, what you think today is the preview of your morning! It's like a movie you go to a movie house and look at the example of a film, what you see in the preview is what the show is about. If you're worried about your income online, you will definitely have a future problem with your income online. Positive Minds Attract Positive results! Negative Minds Attracts negative results.

Here are some of the few techniques :

This is the mental exercise. You relax your mind before you sleep at night. Close your eyes and imagine that you are doing a lot of income in your online business. Come up with a figure on how much you earn. Do this until you fall asleep. When you wake in the morning, you have to say what you had envisioned last night. You need to verbalize this. For example, if you were to imagine last night that you will be a millionaire, then you have to say it tomorrow, you're a millionaire. 

You have to do the mental exercise night and morning mental exercise for 21 consecutive days. If you are not a collection or one day, you have to go back to the count of one until you finish the whole 21 days in a row Mental exercise. After two weeks to do the mental exercise, you will notice that there are major changes in yourself. The way you think, and the degree of enthusiasm for your online business.

The reason for this is you replaced the old negative thoughts, which was previously registered in your mind with the positive. Now that your mind has detected all the positive thoughts, so this will begin to attract positive results. Your creativity will start to work here. It is driven by the motivation you get from the positive thoughts, your mind creates or develops. Thus you will begin to enjoy everything you do on your online activities. 

This technique works with me when I use it in my Real Estate Selling Business. I started as a general agent and was promoted several times until I reach SR. Vice President position. This is where I made one million pesos in the Commission since my surgery is in Manila, Philippines. Following the downward trend in the Philippine economy, I moved into Internet Marketing. I use the same techniques and I am on track to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in my Online Business. 

To pack it up, your mental exercise plus Internet Marketing Techniques equals your success in online business. This time, you are ready to undergo training on the Internet
Marketing Techniques.

See you on your success!

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