Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Most common mistakes in web design

Fascinating website designs are the arrest of the human eye. Good web designs have some impact on creating a favorable image in public. Striving to create interesting designs site soils often make mistakes, to act as a catalyst damage the image. The success of a company depends primarily on the strategic reasons for targeting the products covered. Website design is made taking into account the needs of visitors and the benefits then go. The whole thing rather that this is a news, entertainment or business site should be able to keep the visitors in a long time. A good website design rich content has an ability to attract more traffic. 

It is important to watch out for making mistakes in order to ensure trouble-free operation. 
Some mistakes in web design are enlisted below: 

Excessive use of graphics:

The use of graphics should be minimal, since heavy graphics to download web pages slowly. Slow download speed tends to drive potential traffic. It is advisable to reduce the size of graphs and provide an ALT text accordingly. It is also recommended to use GIF files and other files. Graphics also constitutes an obstacle to the robots of search engines to index a web page without any problems, and therefore it is not SEO - friendly. 

Disorganized Website: 

Sites that are far from easy navigation to traffic is safe to return to the race. Relations must be set so that visitors can navigate smoothly through the website. Furthermore, it is important to respect to avoid using graphics that are obstacles in access to the site. Web templates give the same presentation from one page to another is very friendly. A good organization to invite more and more traffic. 

Use of musty Contents: 

Content refers to the company, its products and services. More content is unique, short and easily understandable to the visitor is no longer the race traffic. Avoid spelling and grammar. Stale content and the old must be replaced with fresh and new content to attract visitors. 

Using Heavy Banner: 

Banner takes a long time to load because it is a graphic image. Heavy hide banners and links that visitors may miss information. Use the words in the banner related products, services and display the top or bottom of the homepage is a wise thing. 

Use Hit Counters: 

To promote the site, Hit Counters are on line evidence that the number of visitors to a particular site. The display of the most popular hit counters to showcase their expertise and competence in the trade to gain the confidence of millions of people. But it is wise for new and small businesses to use Web sites offline, hit counters, so that visitors can not see it and make a friendly image. 

Relationship problems: 

The use of complete lines of text link-able or click here to the declarations of the visitor's browser must be avoided. The links must be legible, visible and keywords in the text should be highlighted and the extent of linkage. 

Complex backgrounds in Web Design: 

beautiful and decorative style of base is very confusing to the human eye. Improper use of the combination of color in designing a website revealed unpleasant for visitors, because they barely understand what types of websites. 

Using Bad Font: 

Using multiple fonts in different sizes and types of distortion is highly visible to visitors.

Odd use of fonts is hard for visitors to find the type of clumsy and unreadable. He, however, it is recommended to use italics, bold or color words that should be highlighted. 

Excessive roll: 

Use the drop-down Web pages both horizontally and vertically, has proved to be very eventful for the visitors. Minimal use of scrolling is necessary to arrest the visitor, it is

easy and efficient. 

Use of substantial forms: 

Long web pages with too many unwanted materials are not welcoming to visitors. Built-

up areas and equipment for the average size of web pages to make it presentable. 

Need full flash in one web page: 

comprehensive flash-based web site constitutes an obstacle to the crawlers from search engine to index the contents of a webpage. Websites no position in the ranking in search engines listings. 

Using Pop-Ups: 

Pop-Ups annoy the visitors. Unwanted pop-ups not to attract attention from researchers. 

Arresting design of the site to exert a strong force more and more traffic. Avoid holes circulation ensures loyalty to a website.

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