Monday, January 18, 2010

What you thing importation of a Credit Card in the life of student

As you stuff the entry of a credit card in the lives of students 

Most credit cards designed for students were created for university students - but may be a high school student get a credit card? The short answer is: YES. The long answer would involve a lot of discussion! As teenagers, many go out and get their first job, or otherwise earn income from allowances or babysitter. It is the perfect time for parents to help them learn the basics of money management, which is something many families skip; exit exam for high school students to go to college or the "real world" with very little real knowledge of world finances. Just a few years ago, it was not only impossible to give a teenager a credit card, but you would be considered a little on the crazy side to make such a thing! Times have changed though, and there are various credit cards on the market for teens that parents can use to help them learn the basics of financial responsibility. Credit cards for teens include features such as parental controls and digital 'allowances'. It can be sweat-inducing to give your teenager a credit card but a credit card makes a good educational experience financially for your child before it is too late for you to help them become financially responsible persons: teach them about good credit. With so many adults today are struggling to restore their credit or increase their income, so it's easier to keep up with their monthly payments, it is never too early to teach teenagers how to manage money. Teach them at a younger age may prevent them from over spending when they are on their own. Nellie Mae argues that the average freshmen college students is over $ 1,500 in credit card debt, and when a student is ready of how easy it is to "get what they want now", it becomes habit to use credit cards to buy things they want while in college. If a teenager into the adult world with solid money management skills, they are less likely to to get in over your head in debt. your choice. If you're worried about your teenager on a credit history at that time, and just want a way to learn the basics of money management, you can look for a prepaid debit card with a Visa or MasterCard logo. Some of these cards may have annual fees or transaction fees, which only gives you another opportunity to show how using a credit card is not the same as buying with cash. You can also sign your teen up for a checking account with debit card, or present them as an authorized user of a credit card account you already have or open a new credit card account with a low limit and set your teenager as a cardholder. Gives Teen Access to acute Money. When your children become teenagers, chances are that they are starting to spend more time away from you and on your own or with their friends. Sometimes they may need for cash if a car crashes, and they need to be towed off the freeway or for long distance phone calls for example. Having a credit card in your pocket will make it possible for them to handle an emergency situation that requires access to money and can give you a little more calm of mind. If you decide you're ready to teach your teen the basics of money management and credit, you must spend some time researching the various options available to you before you choose an option. Whatever option you choose, you will be sure to spend time with your teenager and not expect to know what to do with it on your own! Try using a service like Citibank's Credit-Ed Program: .com / us / cards / cm / student / index.htm About the author: For help compare credit card offers, visit For more useful tips and hints, points to think and remember, techniques and insights on Internet Business, please search for more information on our sites.

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