Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The 2 Gases Your Body's Garden

It is a simple chemical, just two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. But when these two gases are combined chemically, they become the body's key nutrients, water! 

Water constitutes 70% -80% body weight and helps to maintain body temperature, to metabolize body fat, to wash toxins from the body, to make the blood the right viscosity, to lubricate and cushion organs, to transport nutrients and a myriad other things necessary for body's health. 

Sixty-four ounces is the minimum amount of water needed per day for each of us. If you exercise regularly or do physical work, you will need even more. When you do not take in enough water, you become dehydrated and your body starts to search for water from other sources, like blood. 

When the body becomes dehydrated, it will shut down some of the capillaries. The blood becomes thicker, more likely to clot, and it is harder for the heart to pump it through the system. This results in elevated blood pressure, heart disease and high cholesterol. Dehydration has also been associated with heartburn, headaches, and arthritis. 

Some have estimated that as many as 75% of Americans are dehydrated. Sometimes the body may seem to be saying: " hungry," but it really say "  thirsty." A glass of water can also temporarily eliminate hunger pangs and helps to keep body weight under control by avoiding snacking. 

We get water from the fluids we drink from the food we eat, and from metabolism. Soda, tea or coffee are substitutes to pour clean water. In fact may actually increase the demand for water because the caffeine in them is a diuretic. This means that it actually forces the water from the cells they contain, as well as some important nutrients. 

Dehydration is a dangerous problem. Only 2% decrease in body weight caused by lack of water affects the mind. A 5% drop may affect physical performance as much as 20% to 30%. A 10% drop will be documented in the actual disease and a 20% drop will cause death. As water is so important for our health, most people are aware of the importance of being sure that their drinking water is clean. 

While the lack of water is often the cause of a variety of ailments, drinking water is also too heal. Problems such as stomach ulcers, stress, headaches, high blood pressure, kidney problems, and problems associated with cholesterol is often relieved by drinking clean water. Just 64 ounce a day in the free liquid has reduced breast cancer risk by 79%, bladder cancer by 50%, and colon cancer by 45%. 

There is no substitute for good, clear water. We need it to live. When we need water as much, considering how clean the water is that you are giving your body. You certainly do not want to drink a contaminated form of such a valuable nutrient. If it is filtered through charcoal as Imperial Berkley, you can be sure it is safe and healthy. 

If you are interested in not only health but saving benefits you can receive from the cleaning of your water, check the Berkley filter - the most powerful economic and personal water purification systems available.

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