Tuesday, February 16, 2010

3 Facts and fictions about Piano Tuning

Several people always tend to think that when you play the piano much, you will keep it out of line. While opposed to a lot of piano players also think that if you do not play your piano frequently, you do not need to tune it. 

Fact No. 1 

What you need to know is - Your piano should be tuned to a normal, regular intervals. Play if often hard or vice versa does not affect the piano melody. So why is that? You should know that tuning the piano regularly not only make it sound bigger than ever. It has to do with the quality and completeness of the piano by getting an expert piano tuner who can find additional maintenance that your piano needs. By doing this you can expect your piano to last long and keep it sounds good as ever. This will make your music lively and pleasing to hear. 

When should you get your prepared piano? Annually would be quite good, but it is recommended for a new piano (just his first year) to reconcile two to four times a year. 

There are several circumstances that might compromise the structural or built by your piano. During the repair of the structure could be quite difficult, very expensive and disruptive as well. In order not to complicate things, you'd better have it checked and tuned regularly by an expert piano tuner. 

No. 2 Fiction

When Johann Sebastian Bach The Well Tempered formulated Clavier at the end of the 1700s, he founded the "Modern Equal temperament tuning. This is now commonly used by many piano tuners today. 

Fact No. 2

Many people especially teachers and other musicians still feel that it was a fact. Equal temperament is known as the modern piano tuning. This is currently being exploited and used by many piano tuners to tune the pianos modernized. 

In conclusion, the development of the piano is not supplement with the development of piano tuning. Bach was not the one developed using Equal temperament. He and his musicians only entertained the idea of equal temperament in piano tuning, but in practice they are not. The misunderstanding of the current artists of the early tuning practice is due to the classification, explanation and practice of piano tuning in the past. 

No. 3 Fiction

Only a person who has a good ear to tune the piano. 

Fact No. 3

Other people have a sense of "perfect pitch" or the ability to name any note or chord by ear. Has this ability does not mean that you can tune piano. It may help if you are a musician to learn the basic piano tuning, but still, you need to be trained in this specialty to learn big hammer techniques, listen to the beats and melody temperament. 

If you want the advantage to learn piano tuning, you must decide if learning the piano first. You can use the online piano lessons at an affordable price. Great techniques and learn the different musical styles - from gospel to jazz are also taught a good piano software.

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