Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Astral Projection

Most people have heard of astral projection at one time or another during their lives. Maybe it was mentioned by a knowledgeable friend, a book or a movie. Although many people have heard of astral projection, few realize that it is a very real phenomenon, and something that everyone has the ability to do. It is very likely that you have astral projected, without even knowing it. 

astral projection experience. It is a natural reflex in the body, and occurs at night when you sleep. When your physical body is asleep your subconscious takes over and with ought knowing it, or even remember when you wake up, you will have astral traveled. 

When you do this project, you get to go wherever you want. As you remember when you were young, you probably can remember to do this, you went to bed when you grew up, you've forgotten it myself. You have unlimited options for places to go, there are no limitations regarding space or time where astral projection is concerned. When you sleep your physical body is in sleep, while the astral body goes on a journey. 

Many people may not be aware that many enlightened individuals believe in the existence of multiple organs. The physical was only one of these bodies and the astral get another. It may also be referred to as the etheric body. The astral body is considered to be both invisible and a copy of the physical body. It lacks substance, which has given rise to its name as an ethereal body. The question then becomes, if the body lacks substance, how it may be associated with the physical body. The answer is through a silver cord. 

This silver wire was attached at the moment, the astral body entered the physical body, and can not be cut before the astral body differs from the physical body for one last time in death. This silver cord is what keeps the astral body from straying away. 

Are you trying to figure out where you go to when you do this astral projection? Well the astral body travels to what is called the astral plane, which turns out is the invisible duplicate of Earth. The astral plane vibrate more rapidly than the physical world do, and these vibrations going all the way to Earth's core. There is another belief that a second dimension or alternate reality referred to in the astral plane. One thing most agree on this issue, but the fact that the astral plane is composed of several layers. 

It is normal at this time to ask whether it is safe to do astral projection, or is it dangerous. Yes it is safe, but there may also be hazards. We have already stated that all are able to do astral projection. We have also explained that the astral body can not leave the physical body without returning to it. As with all things in your life, you need to keep a cool head while you do this. This means that you need to have strong cognitive abilities, so you can think clearly about where you want to go and do while doing astral projection. 

Let me warn you here if your brain is in a dark place or not right then it becomes dangerous to astral project. If you are just taking drugs or drinking alcohol, it is not wise to astral project, because you might run into some bad places. The lower levels of the astral plane containing the sites are bad. 

Therefore, it is essential that you know where you plan to go and what you plan to do there. Your goal is to astral project negotiation. You should have full awareness and control of the actions in your astral body. This control comes from your thoughts. 

Read more about astral projection

There are a number of different methods of preparation, depending on who or what you hear. Professionals all have different ways to prepare, this can give you the information necessary to prepare and enjoy learning how to control the experience and benefit from astral projection. their own style. 

There are sources online or books you can buy on this topic also. One example is that you can listen to a high quality hypnosis recording designed to astral projection to help you in the right mindset that is needed. It not only relaxes you, but go through the various stages required by you. This is often preferable to a session with a professional because you can play the recording again and again until your subconscious mind receives the signal that it is okay to go ahead and let your physical body. 

Use of environmentally friendly technology can also be useful to be able to reach a level of relaxation, which is conductive to be able to participate in astral projection. One such technology is known as binaural beats. This technology works by alternating sound between both ears and by using different frequencies. This method is designed to place the body in a state of deep meditative relaxation, which is best for astral projection. 

If you are able to astral project initially, you will not be affected. This is something that requires practice to do. It is important to remember that this is not actually an acquired skill, but something that is already known to each person. They simply need to remember how to astral project, and then to practice to achieve a level of mastery. 

Read more about astral projection 

If you? Re still not convinced, consider the last time you dreamed you were flying, or felt like you were falling. This feeling of flying was your astral body moves through the astral plane. The sense of decline came when it was recognized that your astral body returning to your physical body. Astral projection is a real phenomenon! With a bit of time to fine tune this natural ability, can experience the benefits of astral projection.

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