Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Can you get past cheating

Many people wonder when they took their cheating spouse, if they can move past it. A lot of people assume that the relationship can not survive, while other people want to believe that their relationship can move past something. The answer to whether your relationship can move past the cheating is really dependent on a lot of things. All conditions are different, and some people are never able to move on, while other people are able to leave it in the past.

A lot of what will determine whether your relationship will survive an affair is honesty. The relationship did not survive an affair does not normally involve the person who cheated to be honest. Those who survive usually involves the person who cheated by being an open book, to answer all the questions put to them about why they cheated, what happened in the case, and then continuously honesty as the relationship heals itself.

A second characteristic of a relationship surviving is about openness. Many people try to get past an affair need to continue to rehash the details again and again. This is very common especially for the person who was cheated on. What they need is someone who will continue to answer their questions and be open about what happened. This is really a kind of grief process and closing process, and if both parties do not continue to be open about the relationship would have difficulty surviving.

Cheat to get past the person who have cheated have to realize that they will not have confidence in quite some time. An apology will not be enough to have the person relax and move on, instead of the person who was cheated on will be able to keep track of the cheat for a while. This may be uncomfortable for the cheater really quickly, but for a relationship to work, this is a normal process that should happen. It helps to develop trust again.

Another major determinant of whether a relationship is to survive an affair is history. If cheating has repeatedly deceived or cheated in the past and said they would not do it again, that the relationship is more likely to fail. If this is the first thing the other person is likely to be more open to forgive the cheater and move past this experience.

Cheating is something that affects each person and each relationship differently. Honesty really is the key to get past an affair, but it is not necessarily going to save all relationships. Cheating is a betrayal of trust, and some people just can not go past this, for obvious reasons.

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