Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Cheating Myths You Should Know

When it comes to cheating there is a lot of myths out there that you should be wary of. Many of the ideas about who cheats and cheat, why people are simply not true. To know the facts and the truth behind the cheating will allow you to take a different approach to ensuring that you always react after the truth instead of worrying yourself with misinformation.

Myth 1: Men Cheat more than women

This is not necessarily true. Indeed, recent studies that there is such a big hole in the men who have cheating in relation to the women who cheat. Recent statistics indicate that about 25% of men have cheated and 13% of women have cheated. As you can see that the difference is not so great, and it shows that for every two men who are cheating a woman cheats.

Myth 2: All People Cheat for Sexual Reasons

This is simply not true. While many people end up having sex when they are cheating, most people start to cheat, because there was a void somewhere in their relationship. Often ego needs a boost or some just want more attention than they receive from their spouse. These needs often lead to sex, but very few people start to cheat for purely sexual reasons.

Myth 3: It's not cheating if you have not slept with the person

Not true! Adultery starts the moment that there is sexual tension, secrets kept from your spouse, or the moment you develop an emotional connection to anyone. We all find other people attractive and flirting is not uncommon, but the moment you take things to another level, you are actually cheating.

Myth 4: Once a cheater always a cheater

Fortunately, this is not true, or at least 39% of the people who have cheated in the past will always continue to cheat. While some people will cheat again and again, a lot of people actually learn from experience and change their habits so they do not inflict the pain on their spouses, and even coming from cheating.

Myth 5: A marriage can not survive an affair

This is not always the case. Many marriages have been able to survive affairs but it all comes down to relationships and people in it. If cheating really remorseful for their actions and wish to change their habits, and the couple uses the case to make them open up and really start talking, they can survive an affair. If both people are not committed to the relationship and make things work in marriage, may well fail.

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