Monday, February 15, 2010

Do not ignore the game controller when deciding Computer Games Systems

All have become accustomed to the big three video game systems currently available in stores. We make comparisons between the three systems based on the quality of graphics, but we should also consider the merits of the game controllers available. 

You probably do not think much about the importance of controllers you use, but the game machine manufacturers spend a lot of money on designing them, and here we look at how they compare. The original Xbox was released in 2001, and the controller that came as part of the included bundle is now widely known as the Duke controller. 

It turned out that Microsoft got it wrong and people found the controller was too big to use comfortably and so people did not like to use it. Realize the problem they released an alternative controller known as the S model, which is very similar to the 360 controller you get today. 

The Xbox 360 version is now probably the most comfortable and most convenient to use. Playstation 3 controller while it may look a little different is not so different as you might think. 

It is not very different from the familiar, we had with the PS2 with some internal changes. When it first came out there was a second controller that is supplied as a looked different and had a new control layout was quickly abandoned. 

The figure is that it was not so simple and easy to use as the time-tested PS2 one. There may have been a good decision, although there will be many sleepless nights when they release their next gaming platform. 

There is something fundamentally wrong with the current system, we will all miss the very best when they come out with new ideas. With the current financial climate it may be a while, so we can get to be patient to get what we want. 

The most game-changing brand is currently the controller, we get the Way games, and they have introduced a lot of new people to gaming consoles. Wilmot controller you get with the Way bundle is very different, nothing like the other game system controllers. 

The designers had to think outside the box with the Wilmot with a novel and a completely original approach to the idea of controlling games you play. They are more advanced than any other game console improvements over the last two decades. 

Technology sometimes makes skill of customer satisfaction, but here is what is used to add to your enjoyment and there is no doubt that the next generation of players will consider this is the way to play. Long term players dismissed the Way video game console because of the graphics chips used in the Way even if they did not realize what a great change of controllers introduced. 

We are all waiting to see what the next generation of games and systems, and these are the most complete systems you can get. It seems likely that they will be who knows what new features they can offer us and give us a whole new era of gaming enjoyment.

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