Tuesday, February 02, 2010

How to Make Homemade Beads

You have a great desire to create your own beads? It is not as difficult as you think! With patience and the right tools, you can create your own homemade beads for fun and profit! Before you begin, decide on the type of beads you want to do. You can choose from paper, sand or clay beads.

Making paper beads, decide on the type of paper you would like to use first. Good colored construction paper is the favorite mode. You can also use wallpaper, paper, plain white paper and paper from magazines.

Cut the paper half inch to an inch wide and about eight or ten inches long. In the course of the paper, use white glue or paste, leaving a small area dry. Take a knitting needle or games, and close kabob roll paper around this point that starting from the dry end of paper. Make sure the edges of the paper to stay saying that everything hangs together. To have been allowed to wipe off, remove the knitting needle or game kabob and decorate your beads of color.

Making sand, beads, you will need to purchase some items from the craft store or craft website. Some stores have kits to help you sand beads, but you can also buy the products you should be. First buy some white sand and glue. Consider other items for decorative purposes, such as brightness and color. Take a large plastic container to mix it all together using ¼ cup of sand.

When it is mixed with a little pinch and roll the dough into a ball. Use a toothpick to gently tap the ball to make a hole all the instruments. If the ball breaks or sand is too weak to return the container, add more sand in the mixture, stir well again, and then try to pass one another. Lay your beads in a newspaper and let them dry for several hours. When the beads are completely dry, hang together you start to decorative use.

If your clay beads thing, it is equally easy to do. Mix two cups flour, 1 / 2 cup salt, 3 / 4 cups water and a tablespoon of cooking oil in a large bowl. Knead dough for five minutes. Take a small piece of dough and shape into a ball then use a toothpick to create a nice big hole in the middle. Put pearls in the newspaper and let them air dry for a few days. After all dried completely, paint your beads, let it dry again, then string together. 

The beads are surprisingly easy to make right your own home. Create homemade beads for yourself to enjoy or as gifts for friends and family. Do not forget to include how your homemade beads were able to try them, too!

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