Friday, February 26, 2010

How to overcome Caffeine Addiction

Caffeine’s very addictive. Learn to overcome caffeine addiction can be extremely difficult. Relation to alcohol, tobacco, and even cocaine, you may be surprised to hear that caffeine is actually more addictive. This does not mean that it is more harmful, but simply that it can develop into a habit that is difficult to shake. 

We do not really see caffeine as a hazardous substance, but in larger quantities would have a negative impact on your health. Most of us drink coffee. It is easy to drink a few cups of coffee a day, but it could easily spiral to three, then five or even more. This is when it has more serious effects on the body. It will affect your level of alertness and also on your internal organs and even your heart. 

This article will offer several tips to help you overcome caffeine addiction naturally:

    * gradually reduce your caffeine intake. Cut your consumption down to one cup per day for the first week, and then reduce it with a cup in the second week and so on.

    * Finding a replacement. Maybe get your sugar from a couple of biscuits instead - this will give you a boost of energy, and although it is not good in the long run it will help to wein away from caffeine.

    * If you drink Coke or Pepsi, so why not try a second drink without caffeine in it. Any drink containing sugar will help you to pay attention.

    * Drink tea instead - tea still contains a little caffeine and a hot drink can be a good substitute for a cup of coffee.

    * Eat more fruit. Fruit acts as a natural energy booster, because it contains natural sugar - which is better for you than the sugars found in chocolate, etc. eating fruit will help you at an early stage, when withdrawal symptoms out - it will give you a solid base of energy in the body.

    * You can also try alternative solutions - such as positive self affirmations, hypnosis, or maybe subliminal messages. Our caffeine addiction treatment CD, the project will make positive statements in your mind to help you manage your addiction, and stay strong against the withdrawal and caffeine cravings.

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