Tuesday, February 09, 2010

How to Raise Muscovy

Muscovy ducks are not only good layers, but these are easier to raise and care. These ducks are a popular choice among the farmers who want to fight pests, insects, worms, etc. in their farms. These may not be the most common choice for the ducks to go, but you simply can not ignore their importance. This article will give you a map of how to raise Muscovy.

Muscovy under the age of three months must be kept in a closed and clean area. If possible, you should give them a heat lamp or pad as ducks at this age are able to produce body heat itself. Until this age, do not provide them with copious water. Just give a sufficient quantity of water for drinking and wetting their feet or head. You should ensure that continuous access to water should be given to them at this age. Primary mascovy ducks diet should consist of one part water to one part of egg crumbles.

Once your duck crosses three weeks old, so it's time to keep them in a larger area and give them a baby pool. Make sure they do not get immersed in it, keep shallow water. Add scratch get their daily diet, and give them the opportunity to stroll around, but watch. 
Once your ducks are in the age group from 6-12 weeks, you need to relax a bit and not have to worry about them much. Just give them a great and safe place, and you will be done. Avoid fences that can harm your teeth. Give them unlimited access to the baby pool and drinking.

Muscovy duck ducklings, after having completed their 12 weeks, become adults. At this age, they can fly and lift themselves. Ducklings grow a bit mature at this age, and the quest for their own food. Moreover, they have expertise in flying and swimming. They begin to become aware of various other creatures and understanding environment. 
One thing you must make sure that you should travel in groups of Muscovy. Raising Muscovy in groups will increase their growth and survival. If you raise them in isolation, it is not only the mental health of ducks to suffer, but their physical health will also take a hit. Try to increase the bond between ducks.

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