Friday, February 26, 2010

It's The History of Chocolate Cut Down Version!

The story of chocolate begins with cocoa tree, is resident in the forests of South and Central America and grows to about 20 meters high. 

This very fine tree begins producing fruit in its 4th to 5 year. Large yellow or red pods enclosing a white paper to conceal his tax of between 20 to 50 cocoa beans. 

The cocoa bean was grown for centuries by Mayan Indians, the Mexican Aztecs and the Incas in Peru, where they had ceremonial significance, and was associated with celebrations of births and marriages. At these events they were regularly used as a tribute or money. In some areas only the highest ranking could enjoy the wonderful drink cook these beans could produce. 

When the Spaniards conquered Mexico in 1519, they were so taken with this chocolaty drink (although they did add sugar to sweeten the taste) they introduced these trees to Trinidad, where they guarded their secret s to the cultivation and production. It was not long, but before the trees spread to the West Indies and the Philippines'. The Dutch are said to have introduced them in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Gull fog Guinea, South America remains the largest exporter and producer until the 1891st 

In the seventeenth century drink was introduced to the noblemen and women of the courts in Spain, Italy, Germany, France and England. Chocolate was still an expensive, exclusive luxury, even though the secret of its preparation was no longer secret. Since the first chocolate house opened in London in 1657, the price of a pound of chocolate was more than 6 months wages make it out of the price range of your average 17th century London, and therefore makes it available only for the very wealthy. This was due to the high import duties on cocoa beans. 

Both drinking and eating chocolate are relatively new inventions that were developed in the 19th century. The chocolate today, was not produced until a Dutchman discovered how to press cocoa butter out of beans. 

The pressed beans were then able to produce a much lower fat drinking chocolate, which was much more palatable than the rich buttery drink the Aztecs had done centuries earlier. The cocoa butter can then be used to eat chocolate. These techniques were completed in 1847 by J.S. Fry and the delicious bit of dream world as we know today as chocolate was on sale for 1st time. 

Now while the chocolate maker's history is very interesting, but it so much that those of us who just want to gorge ourselves on the sweet creamy taste, how it got here. Or just that it did. The strange thing about history is that it changes constantly, and while most things get better and progress naturally up, why is there always someone who wants "to screw a good thing. Something strange is happening to chocolate, it is progressing, and get politically correct, it is better for us, while losing its delicious flavor. 

Chocolate is not a hard job to do, it does not have to fund the cure for cancer or the date Jessica Simpson just to aunts normalize our taste buds and makes us smile when we swallow. 

Chocolate-lovers all over the world, it is time to pick up your chocolate molds come out of your chocolate fountain and put your chocolate cake (just for a minute, you can download it again as soon as we've made our point) and let the chocolate NO! We no longer want inferior chocolate, and we do not want no-name, no frills, sugar-free, low calorie, low fat, carob chocolate. 

We want our Cadbury's, Mars, Hershey's, Linde and all the other wonderful quality chocolate tastes so rich, creamy and delicious as they should. After all, history has taught us to learn from our mistakes, and you can not improve on perfection!

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