Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Learn the best way to feed a parrot and Enjoy a Happy Bird For a long time

Parrots can make great companions for all types of people. They are interactive and live a long life devoted to their owner. But although they are fun, they also require much time and attention.

To give your parrot a high quality of life, it is important to educate yourself on the wishes and needs of a parrot. Whatever type of game birds know that you own, it is important that you learn about proper feeding habits. This includes everything from the kind of healthy food that it needs to grow to what it likes to feed, to the best times to feed the parrot.

Feeding a parrot is a bit more complicated than driving to the pet store and buy a bag of bird food. Although there is a wide range of bags parrot feeds on the pet shop to deliver nutrients parrots need to stay healthy, this is not the bird's sole source of nutrition. 
Like humans, parrots enjoy variety in their diet. They will have different variations and textures of foods. When a parrot is bored with his feeding, he is often noisy and try to demand something different. This can be a stressful time for both PET and owner. 
To keep your parrot both happy and healthy, it is a wise idea to give him a combination of pellet food and fresh food.

Parrots enjoy fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, cooked grains, seeds and nuts. 
These foods are those foods that many people have. Make it a habit to prepare some of these foods for your parrot while you are preparing food for yourself and family. 
The fresh food purchased for your parrot may be the same food that you buy in a produce section in a grocery store. Look for specific fruits and vegetables when in season. Choose combinations that your family enjoys a snack.

Some good suggestions that are safe for parrots feeding are:

• sweet potatoes

• carrots 
• pepper, 
• maize 
• bananas 
• grapes 
• kiwi, 
• melons, and 
• oranges.

But before you throw in all types of table food to your bird, be sure you have examined to ensure they are safe for your pet. Fruit seeds, avocados, mushrooms, and all foods containing caffeine, cocoa, chocolate or alcohol should never be given to parrots.

Some pet bird owners find that their pet develops a special taste and avoid some foods while devouring others. Feeding your parrot a variety of foods may take some trial and error to see exactly what it is that he may like or dislike.

The main issue of feeding your feathered friend is healthy and safe food.

When you have a good understanding of the foods that are and are not suitable for parrot feeding, the next step is to create variety in your bird diet. Remember that a good meal to humans and birds are very similar. Include different colors, textures, and flavor when displayed on your parrot's dinner.

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