Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Learn How To Give Good Night Kiss

Learn to take Good Night Kiss

After a great day, and you want to kiss her and you hope she feels the same way ... Here are some tips for a thriving goodnight kiss. 

Know her interest

So have you had a good day, and because your parents raised you well, you left your girl to her doorstep. You know you want to kiss her and you hope she feels the same way - so you go for it. 

"But how can I know if she wants to kiss me? You ask. William Cane, in his book, The Art of Kissing, says that 90% of men have no idea when a woman wants to be kissed. 

Relationship expert says in Dating for Dummies, that a woman's body language can tell you if she wants to be kissed or not. You should definitely learn the language of loveor face the dreaded turning of the cheek. 

If she is really disgusted with you, she will turn her head so much, you will not even get the cheekyou'll few ear.

You've got yourself a very red light, if she has her key out of her purse in the front door lock, and you say goodnight to her back. 

Other red light may include:

Lips squeezed so tight you needed a crowbar to separate them 
A stubborn refusal to make eye contact 
Getting in your hand that says "Stop right there" 
Making The Move 
In each goodnight kiss scenario, you have a limited ability to make your move. 
So when you get the coveted green light, go for the kiss. 

The Kiss

Okay, Romeo, if you're ready to close the deal with the fair Juliet, everything you need to do is create an awkward pause in conversation. Studies show that people are uncomfortable with gaps of silence in conversation. Then fill it with smileand be ready to kiss. 

Since this is your first kiss with this fine young girl, follow the KISS acronym and Keep It Simple, Stupid. Your lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tip of her fingers. Which means that even a soft 'n sweet kiss will curl your toes. 

Then turn your head slightly to the side, lean in slowly and rock her world! So there it is. Another successful goodnight kiss.

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