Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lottery and poker are all the same

There is such a large shadow over the gambling industry at the moment it is hard to even talk about it in public anymore. Gaming industry has been pushed to the ground. 

When you tell people you go to visit the casino and start playing online poker they look at you in a funny sort of way you have done something wrong, or you have obsessive behaviors. 

And frankly, the media world have created this type of feelings for players. You can really tell how much the media and those trying to ignore the game; we think even submitting a gambling-related press release wont you much, because nobody will accept it. 

But what we just dont understand why the lottery is allowed to be promoted across the globe? Why is there no law against this? What  we trying to say is that the game is probably one of the worst kinds of games you can get. At least with games like poker, there is some skill element to it all. But the lottery is just about pure luck, hope you chose the right numbers. 

But the lottery is all of our televisions and radios, and nothing is wrong with it. It really makes you question why it is simply because the lottery is run by the government and they are allowed to do anything they want. 

They think games should be free for everyone to promote and play over a certain age gap, even visiting children entertainment, children are allowed to play their money away trying to win soft toys and teddy bears, so what makes poker or roulette differently?

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