Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mamata can't satisfy all because I'm not God

Railways Minister Mamata Banerjee says her 2010 Budget is "historic" and satisfies "99 percent of the people". Banerjee believes that though Railways will never allow privatisation, private companies can partner with it to make profits. "The Railway Budget is not Bengal centric," she insists. "I cannot satisfy all because I am not God. I am a common person. I am doing the maximum for Bihar, because Bihar is also my motherland and Maharashtra is also my motherland," she told CNN-IBN's Diptosh Majumdar.

Diptosh Majumdar: Within seven or eight months Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee has presented another Santa Claus Budget. She has tried to please a large section of the people in different parts of the country. We have with us Railway Minister Ms Mamata Banerjee.

Minister, you have presented a very interesting Budget today--disturbed and interrupted but never flustered and never letting go of the hold you had on your Budget speech. Ms Banerjee, was it difficult?

Mamata Banerjee: It was not difficult. Our patience is very poor--everybody should have waited to see that everywhere something is there. We worked hard in these 15 days. Me, my personal staff could not sleep for almost 15 days.

I have received more than 5,000 requests and every request I scrutinized--can you imagine! Within this operational difficulties and within this infrastructure and within this financial limitation, whatever we can we worked out in every area.

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