Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Masked Lovebirds - to uncover the truth about various Masked Lovebird Species

The Masked Lovebirds specie is prominent lovebirds, who comes from Africa. They have different mutations. This variety is also designated as black-masked species. Despite their masked face, they live coloration that makes lovebird enthusiasts will be happy for them. Experts say they are less noisy than other lovebird species and varieties, although they still have that playful nature in them.

Masked Lovebirds have different color mutations and enhances their beauty are the distinctive body design that makes these creatures unique and identifiable. They are remarkable for their masked face with the mutation, which is best seen in organs. A friend many of them are the blue and green mutations. On the other hand, there are rare varieties in the form of shale or dark blue, and cobalt or medium blue. Those Lovebirds can grow to about six inches long.

It is common for lovebirds to be small in size. They wear a green plumage with brown and dark brown heads and a golden collar encircling their necks. They have yellow neck and upper chest area with a cast of reddish-orange shade. They also have bluish ROM feathers and upper tail, which also has jagged orange and black markings on them. They have dark brown eyes surrounded by a ring. The female masked lovebird is greater than their male counterpart.

Masked Lovebirds are among the eye-ring lovebird species, including Nyasa, Fischer's and the black cheeks Lovebirds. This variety is primarily identified by eye-ring species because of the noticeable ring around the eyes. They can interbreed because they are openly related although they are different species. Nevertheless, it is recommended to distinguish one species from the other to maintain their innate appearance.

They have come from the African continent, especially from North Eastern Tanzania. Normally live masked lovebirds dry areas with trees and shrubs that are near water. The masked lovebird could be a great beginner bird is plausible tough, a willing breeder, easy to maintain and is cheap.

Masked Lovebirds are smart, good-natured and witty animal; features that really appeal to people searching for pets. They are also very sociable and passionate about a company, one of the reasons they are usually up with a more lovebird species. Because when raised alone, it may have some undesirable properties, which usually results because they may require more attention.

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