Friday, February 26, 2010

Methods To Plan A Tea Party

There are parties for any other occasion imaginable, but have you ever thought of throwing a tea party? Tea parties were very well known in the old days and formal way to get friends together. Now you can make an invitation for a tea party for as many people as you want and have a good time, but you have to learn how to properly plan a tea party first. 

How to Plan Your Own Tea Party Invitation 

So you want to plan your own tea party, and the first thing you have to do is choose a date and time for the party. You will need to figure it out before you can send any invitations, of course, so make sure you get to have free days, and that - hopefully - nothing will come up, so you do not have to cancel the party. 

Once you have done so to continue to prepare your tea party you have to buy your tea and tea accessories. Maybe you already have tea and a tea set, but if not you need to get this done immediately. Make sure you have enough cups for all the people you have invited to the party and all in one set, so everything is matching. 

Now you'll want to review some recipes, not only for tea, but for snacks as well as sandwiches and treats. No tea party would be complete without a delicious snack, so make sure you do not leave this in the planning of your party. 

Now you want to create a menu where you can even hand out to each person at the party, so they know what food is available. Design a beautiful rose or other centerpiece on each table so guests have something beautiful to look at while sipping their tea. Neither party is really complete without a gorgeous centerpiece on each table, and you can even make them easily enough yourself. 

You can brew the tea and serve only once all guests have arrived. You always want to wait until almost the last minute so that the tea is hot.

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