Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Need help convincing your parents to get a parrot?

So you've been wanting to get a parrot and your parents say no? They probably say things like "You're not ready!", "You are not mature enough!" or "You do not have time to care for a bird!" If these statements are true, then you probably should not get a parrot because they do not require a lot of time, money and care. But if these statements are not true, so here are some useful tips to convince your parents to get you a parrot.

1. Prove it! Take care of other pets to show your love for animals

2. Behave! Be good to show that you can be responsible. This means doing your chores, homework and everything that is necessary for you.

3. Choose a sort of determine what type of bird you want to come and be specific.

4. Research! Research into the type of bird you want to get (books, internet, etc.) and assemble a mini-report with a description of the bird, what is necessary to care for it and a picture. The more detail you include - the better it will work. If it is possible to find a one page care sheet online and print it out.

5. Post a picture hang a picture of it on your fridge or in your room. This will be a reminder to you and your parents that you are serious about it. Who can resist a cute little picture of a parrot? If you are really good, set it as wallpaper on your computer.

6. Work it from both sides try to get either mom or dad on your side to help persuade the other to accept. If it does not work, mobilizing a brother or sister to help you talk them into it.

7. Never give up! Be sustained in order to show that it is not something you came up with a nifty idea. Here is a secret about parents, they think if they ignore long enough, you forget about it. So stay at it and be persistent!

8. Chipping in on the expenses to put together a plan to help pay expenses. Purchase and care of a parrot is expensive, so convince them you will help by making money to contribute. You can start saving your own money before you can make the initial purchase and the first vet visit yourself. They can be very expensive, so be prepared to save a lot!.

9. Compromise offer to start on a small scale. Instead of getting a large parrot such as a Macaw, have a much smaller parrot, which is cheaper and much easier to fit like a budgie or Cockatiel.

10. Temper Tantrum! If all else fails, try to fail, crying, screaming, kicking and using "you do not love me" tactic. I'm just kidding about this one, but I could only think of 9 helpful ideas:) Actually it is the worst thing to do because it reminds your parents that you are not mature enough

Hopefully these tips will help you convince your parents to get a parrot.

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