Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nightmare of Belgian train crash

Two passenger trains crashed head on near Brussels in the early rush hours on Monday, leaving probably dozens of people dead and others shocked by the nightmare.

"It happened very fast. Our wagon got in a position across the railroad. There was someone lying on the floor. She had the legs crushed and cut. She died," a man, who survived the deadly accident, told a Xinhua reporter at the scene.

The man of around 40 years old said he waited 45 minutes for help. Fortunately, he managed to get out of the train through the crashed window.

"We are shocked but I realize that I am very lucky. When I came out, I saw bodies lying down on the railroad tracks," he said.

Leire Wira, a local resident whose house is very near the scene, told Xinhua that he was woken by the collision.

"It was terrible. The emergency teams were there, but it is difficult to get access to the carriages," he said.

The accident happened near the Belgium town of Halle, some 15 kilometers southwest of Brussels, during the early morning rush hours.

Source : http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2010-02/16/c_13176337.htm

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