Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nitin Gadkari faces uphill task

The nation council, which will put its seal of approval over Mr Gadkari’s election as the new BJP president at the Indore conclave, will be preceded by a day-long meeting of the party’s national executive. While the delegates will be expected to debate, and pass, the customary resolutions, attention will be riveted on the revival roadmap being scripted by Mr Gadkari.

The party has had a harrowing time in the past six years, not only losing two consecutive general elections, but also ceding considerable ground to its rivals in the crucial Hindi heartland states of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. After a series of battering at the central and state levels, cadre morale is at an alltime low. The ceaseless infighting among its so-called second-generation leaders has made the organisation’s deficiencies and shortcomings more glaring.

The perception that it was the RSS which was now calling the shots as far as major organisational decisions were concerned has made the party leadership’s task of scripting a revival that is much more difficult. The impression has gained more credence of late as most of the new state presidents who have taken charge under the new dispensation are believed to have been handpicked by the RSS. The youth and the middle classes, who formed the core of BJP’s support-base when it picked up momentum in the late 1980s and early 1990s, are no longer so enamoured of the party, and have been gradually shifting their allegiance to Congress.

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