Thursday, February 11, 2010

Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine: 9/9/9 Are Beatles Day

After over 20 years of waiting, that [remastered CD | remastered] versions of the Beatles studio album is finally will be available on CD at 9/9/9. CD version from 1987 is considered as an example of a very bad mastering which is why Beatles fans have been wanting to hear these classic albums remastered for so long.

But the thrill of 9/9/9 not only comes from the fact that the album has been remastered for the first time since their original release on CD, it also comes from mono-box kits, which will be released on the same day. It is the first time that the original mono mix of The Beatles albums (up through 1968, which is when they stopped mono mix) that will be available on CD.

Why should we worry about such outdated interfere in 2009? Even in the 1960s mono had begun to be phased out, so why would there be to listen to the mono mix in 2009? But surely many people feel that way, but true Beatles fanatics want to hear these albums as they originally were intended to be heard and do that you must listen to the mono mixes.

Mono version is what the Beatles (with George Martin & Geoff Emerick) was primarily focused on. Stereo mix was done as an after thought with little (if any) input from the band, while the mono mix was slaved over until they were just perfect. Because of this, many feel that the original mono mix of an album as Sgt. Pepper is the "correct" version of the album.

But there is yet more Beatles stuff for fans to be excited about getting out on 9/9/9, for gamers who are Beatles Rock Band game that looks great from the previews I've seen. It basically allows you to play through the Beatles career from the days of "Beatlemania" through the psychedelic era in the whole final. Beatles Rock Band instruments even look like the real Beatles instruments (check out Paul's bass guitar!) And now for the first time with the Beatles Rock Band game, you can sing harmonies.

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