Thursday, February 25, 2010

Promoter's Live Performance - How to encourage contact

For an initiator starts out, they have to work hard and on a budget to get an audience of a few hundred people to fill a venue. Flyers, word-of-mouth and media name checks are some of the tools promoters use to fill small venues or club nights. Building a loyal grass roots is no easy task. Attract enough people to fill even the smallest sites can be a challenge for any up and coming band and those that promote the band should not miss the opportunity to establish a relationship with the audience, which will continue after the end of the evening. 

Online surveys can, with a little thought and minimal attachment used to provide the promoter with good feedback and the opportunity to participate in further contact with the audience. Using Online Survey Software a promoter can now quickly and easily create an online survey. 

With an online survey a promoter can find out exactly: --

    * Participated; 
    * What persuaded them; 
    * What they thought of the event; 
    * Would they expect to participate again; 
    * Would they recommend future events for their friends. 

One way to ensure a good response is to have a large supply of business cards, which are clearly marked with a slogan such as "Feedback", "Everyone's a critic," "What do you think". Each card will have a URL that points either directly to the investigation or to a website where a link to the survey can be placed. The cards can be issued at the door with the tickets, or distributed among the audience, and if they are made about the size of business cards they will be small enough to be slipped into a pocket, purse or wallet. Small incentives such as a chance to win a free guest pass for a future event, a signed CD or T-shirt would help to improve the response rate. 

Using the results from online surveys promoter is able to:

    * Get a profile of the audience 
    * Gauge the overall success of the event; 
    * Measuring the effectiveness of various promotions; 
    * Receive feedback on the site and facilities; 
    * Receive feedback on the action; 
    * Promoting the sale of a one basis; 
    * Build a targeted database for future events; 
    * Build a loyal audience; 
    * Link to merchandise and other offerings. 

It is considering efforts to promote an event, and only a little extra effort to use online surveys to encourage further contact and to reap some short-and long-term benefits, contact will bring. 

The following sample survey shows the feedback that can be used to break the tape. It's not just gather valuable feedback, but continues to promote the band, their CD and allows you to encourage further contact.

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