Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Carved pumpkin or jack-o-lantern is the most popular of all symbols of Halloween. Halloween has always been associated with anxiety, costumes and masks, sharing stories about ghosts, weird parties, giving guests a good scare, trick-or-treatment, and pumpkins carved by the time you've been around. But it originated from a Celtic festival of Samhain, which took place from sunset on 31 on the evening of October 1st November to honor deceased relatives and friends. It was thought that the veil between this world and the world was at its thinnest on this night, and therefore was considered the most magical night of the year. 
The "magic" element of the night for Samhain has leaked so far, along with the tradition of making incandescent-or-that were originally carved out of beets, pears and pumpkins. Burning lumps of coal are usually placed inside these jack-o-lanterns. Then they were placed on porches and windows to welcome the spirits of their loved ones and guides in their way. It was thought to protect people from evil spirits and misplaced. Over time, coal was replaced by candles. When Europeans, especially those from Ireland, came to America, they encountered natives pumpkins, which were much larger and easier to cut. Thus, they were replaced by making Jack-o-lanterns. By the end of 1800, Halloween pumpkins and carving became popular with Americans too. 
Legend of Stingy Jack

The legend of Jack O Lantern "goes back hundreds of years in Ireland's history. The original Lantern Jack O 'was not a pumpkin, but a miserable, old drunk who cheated anyone they could lay their hands, including family, friends, her mother and even the devil himself. As the story goes one day, he tricked the Devil to climb an apple tree. When the devil came to the tree, Stingy Jack placed crosses around the tree so the Devil could not come down. Only when Jack made the devil promise that his soul would not take when he dies, he gave the devil to fall. 
After many years, when Jack finally died, he went to the gates of heaven Bejeweled, in Saint Peter told him that he was mean and cruel, and led a worthless life on earth. Jack went to hell because he was not allowed into heaven. The devil also kept his promise and did not allow Jack into hell. Jack was afraid he would have to go hiking in the endless darkness between heaven and hell, and he was not welcome anywhere. Jack asked the Devil where you can find your way in darkness. Devil threw a glow from the flames of Hell to help Jack to light his way. Jack kept the embers safely in a hollowed out turnip, his favorite food. From that day on, Stingy Jack roamed the earth without a resting place, with its lighted Jack O-Lantern. " 
The Irish people have kept the legend of Stingy Jack hollowed out live on turnips, turnips, pumpkins, potatoes and beets in the All Hallow's Eve. Place a candle in them to ward off evil spirits and keep Stingy Jack away. It was the original Jack-O-Lanterns. But later, Irish immigrants discovered that pumpkins were much easier to carve turnips, etc. to go to the pumpkin-carving. The Modern Halloween celebrations have improvised beautifully carved pumpkins. Pumpkin carving activities were discussed with great enthusiasm for Halloween and people of all ages to participate in it with great interest and enthusiasm.

The present invention is directed at a pumpkin carving equipment useful for carving decorative designs in the fleshy shell of a pumpkin. The kit contains a combination of tools, decorative items and a book containing instructions relating to design features of standard cutting tools.

Slice the squash has always been one of several ways in which Halloween is celebrated. Traditionally, the size is the removal of a portion of the pumpkin shell surrounding the trunk, remove seeds and fibers contained in the pumpkin carving and decorative elements of good humor, the grotesque or the pumpkin shell, removing the fleshy portion of the tank to get desired look . Internal illumination is then supplied by a candle or battery-powered light. This results in a lighting candles decorative pattern. 
In the past, it was pumpkin carving is often done by means of knives, peeling knives and the like. Given the extent of these cutting instruments, but the typical Carver was only able to get raw decorative elements. Since the cutting knives used in carving pumpkins is difficult to control, any attempt at carving detail, the intricate designs are usually met with failure since Carver often involuntarily removed parts of the pumpkin shell, which destroyed the design. 
Development of design carved pumpkin is believed to have originated with Paul John Bardeen, the father of the inventor of this pumpkin carving kit. His innovative use of small hand-saws and drills to create intricate spirals and exotic carved pumpkins. The present invention is directed to an improvement in this system of principles and the presentation of improved cutting tools and materials in a kit for carving pumpkins.

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