Thursday, February 25, 2010

Real Secrets You must know to develop Telepathy

Develop Telepathy - Telepathy is the direct exchange of thoughts, emotions and feelings between two persons mind. This is a method of communication that uses nothing but the mind's power to convey a message. 

Each and every one of us already have the ability to develop telepathy. Why do not all use telepathy then? Most people have not spent the necessary time to train their minds to use their telepathic abilities consciously. Like any other skill, it takes practice to use telepathy well. But sometimes out telepathic abilities come to the surface, without us being aware of it, but you can develop telepathy to the point that you can control this ability with your conscious mind. 

There is plenty of skepticism about telepathy, and there are other minor natural mental skills that people possess. Think of a time when you have used telepathy, for example, I bet you've been in a great mood when you run into a friend who is feeling down. Even after talking with him or her for just a moment, you begin to feel these sad, depressive feelings themselves. 

It is not the word the person says to you - it is the transference of their emotions and feelings seep into your subconscious. This is a form of telepathy. 

There has been research that has shown that the part of the unconscious, which governs telepathic abilities can be awakened and used even in the will! The first step is to focus on the person you wish to communicate telepathically. 

All forms of communication must be learned, you were not born knowing how to speak your native language, it is something you have learned by observing and imitating your family. 

What if our parents never taught us to use that 'other' character - the one where we can communicate with our minds? Does that mean we can not do it? No, it just means that we were never taught how. 

Let us look at some ways you can use to awaken your latent telepathy. 

'Mental Muscle-training

Like you were not born knowing how to direct your vocal cords and mouth to speak a particular language, the 'muscles', which is responsible for telepathy need to be trained. 

The easiest way to access the part of the brain that controls telepathically function when you are in a trance state. To achieve this state of deep relaxation by using relaxation techniques including meditation. 

Being able to achieve this status will take some practice, but it is a necessary part of training your mind to telepathy. 


Maintaining your focus, while not in a trance state does not come naturally, so you'll have to spend some time practicing this. What you should do is to focus on the person you wish to establish a telepathic connection, even when you are approaching a state of deep relaxation. 

Visualize them and project positive thoughts. Visualize them receiving your thoughts - continue to focus on this until the recipient has had enough time to absorb these thoughts. 

So stop focusing on breaking the telepathic connection. They will feel this line of communication is broken and try to reconnect your mind. 

Keep practicing this technique when you start telepathy training with a partner, that practice should have prepared you well to send and receive telepathic communication. 

Partner Practice 

During Practice telepathy with a partner, a partner send mental images and thoughts to be received by the second. Start by sending simple images like bright colors to the receiver and work your way up to more complex images and ideas. 

The recipient must be prepared with a pad and pen to record any and all impressions and thoughts that come to mind. 

At the end of each exercise, compare notes and see how many images and impressions are correct. The more practice you get, the more accurate your picture day will be.

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