Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Riot Wheel (Re-Invention Of The) wheel

Description : This chunky 1100-pound machine is Jake Lyall's RIOT (Re-Invention Of The) wheel. Lyall's mono-wheel is unusual because it does not use the rider's weight to give response to the traction motor on the steering wheel. Instead, the rider is outside, and the reaction is given by a lead-weighted Honda 80cc 4-stroke scooter engine suspended from a central shaft, driving through a sprocket attached to the spokes. A separate 450-pound counterweight provides the rider hovering above the ground at the front. Steering partly by precessing a 65-pound gyroscope to provide yaw, and partly by the rider shifting his weight.

Tags : best invention ever funny, funny clips, invention ideas, invention patents, innovation invention, technology invention, famous inventions, invention prototype, telephone invention, invention inventors, electricity invention, invention pictures, invention game, japanese invention, invention contest, chinese inventions

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