Monday, February 22, 2010

Setting a Stylish Table Can be Simple

Setting a stylish and attractive dinner table is an art that is make certains two dinner guests feel that extra bit special. If you're not artistically inclined the trick is two keep it simple. 

Choose dinnerware that is durable and dishwasher proof. My personal preference is for all white crockery and stainless steel cutlery in a contemporary design. But whatever you do try to choose crockery that is chip and scratch resistant so that it lasts. 

Another Thing to consider, when buying a dinner service or cutlery set, ice can you buy replacement items. Inevitably plates and bowls will eventually get dropped, broken, cracked and chipped. It's useful to be Able two odd replace damaged items without the need to buy a complete replacement dinner service. 

The same is true for cutlery. My husband will often use a table knife as a quick and handy screwdriver, Although I have asked him not to. Over the years we've been together I've had two replace quite a few knives and spoons that he has chosen to use as tools. So it's good to be Able to buy replacements. 

But there is much more to setting an attractive table than the plates, bowls, knives and forks. Glassware is also important and again we recommend simple, but stylish. Like your crockery, choose glassware that is dishwasher safe and make certain you have a good stock of glasses. we suggest that you make sure you have enough wine glasses and tumblers general purpose and maybe a few shot glasses or beer Tankard if you like. And if you like a little bit of champagne, then you will probably want to make sure you have a nice set of champagne flutes. 

Choose crisp cotton or linen table Napkins rather than throw away paper ones. A few tasteful place mats will work for day to day use but for a dinner party you will probably want a nice table cloth and some tasteful Napkins. 

Choose and attractive centerpiece for your table and you will be ready to serve the food and wine. But that is another story.

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