Monday, March 01, 2010

Train your dog to behave properly

The best time to teach your dog how to behave, is when a puppy. It is a priority when the dog is young to learn proper manners. Training a puppy is to teach it, what is considered proper behavior and what is not. 

The sooner you learn to train your dog, the better the chances that your dog will understand and obey. They can learn relatively quickly. When you communicate with your dog, you can show your dog something, so learning the proper manners is up to you. 

Not only is education for the benefit of the dog, it is also useful for people. A dog that is not trained, can be more dangerous than one who is educated. You are responsible for this. 

It has been said that dogs are man's best friend and this friendship goes back many hundreds of years as dogs have been domesticated for a very long time. They were trained probably earlier than any other animal. 

How do dogs act of nature is needed to understand when dealing with your dog. Animals have a leading animals when in packs. The main dog, or Alpha Dog gives guidance to the other dogs in hunting and survival areas of the package. 

In training for dogs, you dogs pack leader. You will be the "Alpha Dog". Your dog should see you as leader of his pack to get his respect. When you get this respect and trust from your dog, this is where the training will begin work. Instead of your dog is afraid of you, to trust him, you will get him to be more comfortable around you, and can be better trained. 

If your dog is afraid of you, he is less likely to be trained properly. Do not punish the dog when he does something wrong. It's better just to reward him when he is good. Let him decide what to do and then reward him when he does it right. 

Ask your buddy to jog and if the dog sits still, reward him. If not start over. It will learn to go for a jog is not the right thing to do.

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