Thursday, February 04, 2010

Want to read more about Cockatiel Training

Want to read more about Cockatiel Training? 

Cockatiels are known for being playful, happy and loving. The only drawback is that they may be too gay, which makes them annoying at times. To ensure that this behavior is controlled, Cockatiel training is key.

Cockatiels' seldom bite is one of the issues that most owners have with their pets. 
Stress and lethargy can make your pet bites. If an owner forces the issue by responding in such a way that the bird will think it's okay that it can bite, so to get what he wants. Always remember that when the owner n You're the boss.

Respond to the bird biting should be avoided. Offer your hand in a way that will not allow your bird to get into your skin. To do this, gently push your hand against your pet if it bites. You'll have to go through training on this since it will take time to perfect. 
Another thing that you must train your Cockatiel to scream. It seems their screaming is usually because cockatiels to loud sounds, you should always know how to differentiate high sounds of shouting.

It is not difficult to train Cockatiel screaming. The same with the biting, the problem can not be strengthened by making them believe that their behavior is okay, and will ultimately prove that screaming will give them what they want.

Most of the times, the birds do this to attract the attention of their owner. This should be avoided as this can become a habit, if they think that what they are doing is okay. 
Below are the following common reasons for the screaming behavior cockatiels:

- Diet 
- Different mating issues 
- Loneliness and boredom 
- Stress and fatigue

It is also important that food is processed in Cockatiel training. If your pet is healthy and well nourished, the chances of them screaming is unlikely to happen. The various factors why cockatiels scream is boredom, loneliness, sex hormones and stress.

The best way to control these problems is to spend time with your pet Cockatiel especially during training. It will reduce stress in your bird, as both you build a relationship of trust with each other.

The best thing you must Cockatiel training is commitment and passion. Be with your pet for 30 consecutive days will be one of the things that will help you get rid of your bird negative manners.

Cockatiels are wonderful birds that deserves all the attention and commitment of a responsible owner.

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