Monday, February 15, 2010

What is Illusion Magic?

Who invented magic illusions must surely have felt that they had created a magic system that was perfect, and will remain inscrutable at all times to come. In essence, we believe everything that we can feel and touch and hear and see as reality, and so magical would mean something that dictates what we feel and see and hear and maybe stir. That means that illusion magic is the ultimate in magic, which would, if mastered, the magician able to do almost anything. 

Not Perfect

But in reality it is a mistake to see illusion magic as being perfect it is certainly very interesting but also somewhat confusing too. Indeed, this form of magic to be a topic about which there is so much debate that it deserves a special mention when the topic of magic is discussed. 

True understanding of illusion magic can only be experienced if a person discussing very deep into the deepest recesses of the human psyche, and in reality, according to the wise men would understand the magic indeed be incomplete if a person is able to understand them. Master of illusion magic will obviously be very good at casting tactile, visual and auditory as everything taste and smell illusions and will also be someone who can perform their tasks execute with ease. 

The difference between a student of magic, illusion and a master of this art is that when asked to "make an apple" the student will only ensure that the apple crunch when bit by whereas the champion will go deep into the topic of an apple, and point out its many faults, or to be more precise, lack of defects in apple. 

Magicians know and have mastered the art of making the human mind, so keen to see perfection in form, reacts violently when the mind is made to live up to something that defies the notion of perfection that exists in most people's minds. Will actually practitioners of magic, illusion has to take into account that individuals react differently when confronted with the consequences of illusion magic. 

Creation of an apple is the secret behind their success, which might not seem perfect for an observer who may have the consequence that the apple actually seems more real to them. Moreover, some people are not very sensitive to illusions, while others are. So, a non-responsive observer would deny that the illusion magic trick itself took place while an attentive observer would believe the opposite, thereby giving rise to debate about the illusion of magic. There is however a bit of illusion magic at all, can best be seen in the way people try to look more glamorous than they really are.

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