Thursday, February 04, 2010

Your Pretty Parrot deserves a beautiful parrot cage

Your Pretty Parrot deserves a beautiful parrot cage

Those who are not satisfied with the available sizes can easily make a parrot cage at home also. It is good to make a cage colorful, but please make sure that no toxic paints used in the manufacture of the cage, whether it is made of wood or metal. When it comes to the question of beauty alone, the parrots have a couple of competitors such as peacocks and pheasants with their brilliant feathers. But when you add his speaking skills also to its beauty, no other bird is a struggle for a parrot as a perfect pet. With such a perfect pet needs is a parrot cage so perfect it.

Some of the issues to be considered while buying a parrot cage is its size, weight, bar size and bar space. Cage size dimensions will be expressed as width x depth x height. A cage that is shown to have a size of 40 "x 30" x 63 "will be a 40" x 30 "rectangle with a height of 63". The height shown, the total height including stand and whose inner height is not shown separately, it should be asked. For example, "a parrot cage height of 63 may have an inside height of only 40" to 45 ".

Bar spaces are also important in all cages. The gap between two rods should not be large enough to let the parrot press head out through the hole and stuck there. Regarding the thickness of the bar, the bars are thinner, the better. Thinner bars will provide more light and wind parrot cage, and will also make the cage brighter.

The above dimensions is that a relatively large parrot cage. But there is no space limitations for bird cages, because the more it can fly, the more happier will be a bird. Finished cages of too large sizes may not be available, but makes a parrot cage in a larger size can not be a difficult task for DIY enthusiasts. The lower frame may be made of either wood or metal, and the remainder can be made of wire mesh. Steel will make a better bottom and those who use wood to ensure that the tree is not chemically treated. 
The problem with larger cages is that it's hard to move them around. So those who prefer to move their parrot cage every now and then can not go into too great. Ready made them available in all sizes and will be available with wheels for rolling them around, or hooks for hanging them. Whether homemade or ready, to be made to ensure that cages do not have those toxic paint that can harm the bird.

A parrot cage should have perches of different levels in order to keep the bird active. Each cage that you buy from the market wants them, but they can sometimes change or new things added to stimulate the bird. Colorful tassels and ribbons, especially those who care for the birds color, can hang around a cage to make it an eyeful. A parrot cage can have a flat or domed or conical roof. Aesthetics have to play an important role in choosing the right one, but you must also ensure that there is no space wasted inside.

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